The crash

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Carly's POV

I saw two lights coming toward the car as josh was talking so interrupted him

"Josh, look OUT!!!" I yell

Josh swerved the car so The car came and hit Josh's side of car entirely but didn't hit me. I feel glass shatter and rip through my flesh I yell in pain. I can't hear a thing though. as the glass is shattering I fell the car start to tip toward my side. glass continues to shatter and is tearing up my skin. the car hits the pavement on my side, but doesn't stop there. it continues to roll until it's upside down. my head keeps hitting the roof and the door as we roll.

The only reason I'm still in my seat is because of my seatbelt. the blood in my body is rushing to my head. I slowly start to slip out of my seatbelt, but I can't stop my body is in too much pain I can't move my body at all. I fall out of my seatbelt and land on my head. pain shoots down my spine and spreads through out my body.

The last thing I see is Josh's bloody unconscious body light up by red and blue lights. that's when I black out.....

Josh's POV

I was speaking as Carly interrupted me by yelling

"Josh, look OUT!!!"

I turn to around to see two head lights coming straight at us. I turn to the right trying to avoid the car but failing miserably. instead the car comes and hits me directly. At least it didn't hit Carly, I hope. I feel glass shatter and cut my face up but this was not as painful as the pain of the car hitting my body. the car came and hit me only me luckily not Carley. as the car hit me I close my eyes and scream in terror. I feel my bones breaking as the impact of the other car hits me. the other car I think stayed on the road and was unaffected, but my little jeep wasn't. it started to tip and I hear Carly scream.

"CARLY!!" I yell to her even though it hurts to

She doesn't answer.

The car continues to turn until it's upside down. but i wasn't buckled in. I drop and my head hits hard on what i think is the dash board I scream in pain every part of my body aches in pain especially my chest. I think the other car it me mainly in the chest. Once my head hits the dash board I'm out cold.

Xander's POV

I hear my phone begin to ring on my night stand. I check the time

3:47 am

' Who in the world is calling me at 3 in the morning?!' I think to myself

I hear Kayla start to stir so I answer the phone so it stops ringing

"Hello?" I answer groggily

"Hi is this Xander?" says some woman who I have never even heard before

"Yes, who is this?" I say worried

"My name is Meagan, do you know a girl named Carly?"

"Yes, what happened? is she okay!?" I ask I see Kay wake up

"Just calm down sir, I need you to come down to the hospital on 44th street."

"Why? I don't understand. What happened?" I say

"Xander what's going on" Kayla asks me

I don't answer her

"Carly has been in a car accident I'm afraid with another boy who's identity has not been conformed yet, but we believe his name is josh." Says the lady on the phone

"Well is she okay?" I ask

"Please just come to the hospital we can talk then."

"Okay I'm on my way." I say and hang up

I get up and put on some jeans and get my coat on

"Xander what's going on?" Kayla asks now out of bed

"It's Carly, she is hurt we gave to go see her at the hospital"

"Oh is she okay?"

"I'm not sure yet. just get ready we need to go I'm going to go get Rene meet me down stairs okay?"

"Okay" she says an I rush out of the room

I go find Rene ad tell her what I know. even though she doesn't like Carly she still is her guardian so has to. so me Rene and Kay rush to the hospital with out any stops

Josh's moms POV

I hear the phone start to ring. my husband, Chris, is sound asleep so I answer it even though it's almost 4am.

"Hello?" I say in a gentle tone

"Hello, are you Michelle Hutcherson?" a lady says to me on the other end in a serious tone

"Ahh yes may I ask who this is?"

"My name is Meagan, I'm a doctor at the hospital on 44th street. are you the mother of a Josh Hutcherson?"

"Yes, why what happened is he okay?" I ask in a panicked voice

"Honey, what's wrong?" Chris asks me

"It's josh" I whisper to him

"He was in a car accident with another girl named Carly. he is in a rough shape though. I need you to come down to the hospital immediately."

"Okay I'm on my way." I say and hang up

"Michele, what's wrong what happened to josh?" Chris asks me

"He is in the hospital he was in a car accident." I say putting on my shoes and rushing out to the car with Chris behind me and with that we rush to the hospital.

Carly's POV

I wake up and I'm so disoriented. I think I'm in an ambulance. I still can't hear. there are three paramedics surrounding me. I have an oxygen mask on my face that I can barley see over it.

All three of the people are trying to talk to me but I can't hear them. finally after a few minutes my hearing starts to comeback. they are all asking me questions I can't answer them all at once.

Finally the women parametric says something to me I understand.

"Honey, I found your phone and called someone named Xander he is going to meet us at the hospital okay." she says in a sweet voice

"Where i-is josh?" I say in a raspy voice

"He is in another ambulance he is going to the hospital too"

"Is he okay?" I ask my voice still rough

" I don't know, honey, I haven't talked to anyone that would know."

"I need to see him" I say panicked

"Carly please stop your heart rate is going up and it needs to stay down."

"No, I need to see him!"

I feel her inject something into my arm and everything goes black...

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