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Today is the day I am officially 18! it's 4am and I am currently packing up my room and preparing to leave this hell hole for the rest of my life! I already talked to Rene and she knows,because she has to fill out the forms for me to be able to leave the system, that I'm going go live with josh. when I told her she told me how stupid I was to think that he actually loved me and I have to admit even though she didn't physically hurt me she did mentally when she said this. I know josh lives me though whole heartedly and I live him too and there is nothing anyone can do to change that.

I packed up my bag and I'm about to walk out of the room I lived in for so many years of my life for the last time. I turn around and look at the room.

It so plain. the gray curtains the tan walks that were once white the small old bed, everything about this place brings back terrible memories of my past. this is the room where I first smoked drugs. the room where Rene threw a glass vase at me, leaving me with a long scare down my arm from the glass, because she found out I smoked. the room where I had to many emotional break downs to count. the room where I began cutting my wrist out of depression. the room where my first attempt at suicide took place and so many more memories...but this room also reminds me of the one good memory I have. the room where I realized I am loved..by josh.

I decide it's time to go. I close the door. locking all the bad memories inside.

I walk down the hall slinging my bad onto my back. I come to Xander's room door. he is still here until he finds a home for him and Kayla to live in. I slowly open the door being careful not to wake Kay.

I go over to a silently snoring Xander and shake him gently causing his eyes to flutter open.

"Hey" I whisper

"Hey" he says groggily "what's wrong?"

"Nothing I'm just leaving and wanted to say bye"

He sits up "let's go into the hall " he says

We walk into the hallway and close the door

" What do you mean say bye? we are going to see each other again aren't we?" he says whispering slightly

"I-I just don't know where life will take us. I hope we will see each other again." I say looking up into his eyes

"Yah me too" he says tucking a loose stand of hair behind my ear "where are you going?"

"Josh is letting me stay with him at his house."

"Do you need me to walk with you?"

"No it's okay josh is going to pick me up." I say "have you found a place for you and Kay yet?"

"Yah an apartment I just haven't told Rene yet that I'll be taking custody of Kayla"

"Okay well I have to go. make sure you tell me when you move."

"Don't worry I will" he says

I get on my tiptoes and throw my arms around his neck and he puts his arms around my waist

"Goodbye Xander"

"Goodbye Carly"

We pull apart and he goes into his room and I make my way into Rene's office to execute my plan

I drop my bad to the side of her door and slowly open the creaking door. I scan the room. no one in site. the desk is empty and so are the walls. the only color in the room is the light blue file cabinets lined on the wall. I go over to the file cabinets organized by last name. I silently find the M's and open the drawer. I thumb through the files searching for the folder filed under "Maury, Carley" I find it and pull out the yellowish tan folder with my name on it not bothering to look at it now I close the drawer and leave the room and close the door behind me. I quickly shove the folder into my bag and rush out of the building while dialing Josh's number.

"Hey, car! I'm on my way to pick you up are you okay?" josh says as he answers the phone

"Yah don't worry I'm fine and I got the file!" I say as I walk out into the cold winter January air.

"That's grate! I'll be there soon bye"

"Bye" I say

I wait a few minutes until josh pulls up with his jeep and I hop in the passenger seat.

"Hey babe" I say giving Josh a peck on the lips

"Hey" he says "have you looked at your file?"

"No not yet. should I?"

"Only if you feel ready" he says

I take the file out of my bag and open it up and read it thoroughly


Name:Carly Katie Maury

Birth date: January 12,1993

Place of birth: Pasa Robles, California. Hope Hospital(resident here until 1995)

Brith mother: formally;Kathleen Grace Jubilee; currently Kathleen Grace Maury

Mothers date of birth: March 26, 1976

Birth Father: Jason Daniel Maury

Fathers Date of Birth: October 21, 1976

Child's homes: Charles foster home:pasa Robles (1995-1997) Darwin's children's home: Pasa Robles (1998) Robles Children: pasa Robles (1998) Kay foster home: Los Angelus (1999) LA children's home: Los Angelus (1999-2000) children's foster home: Los Angelus (2000) Laura's foster home: Los Angelus (2001) The Children's Second Chance home: pasa Robles(2001-2003) Charlestin foster home(2004) Rene's home for the children (2005-2010)

Reason for being in the system: Given up by biological parents at birth

Medical condition: preme, under devolved lungs, anxiety, depression, asthma

Distant family: UNFOUND


I didn't realize that I had tears streaming down my face until after I had finished reading this all.

I can't believe this I don't need to go chasing my parents down I have there names right here in my hands. There is actually a ray of hope. I'm going to find them...


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