Bad news

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*warning* this whole chapter is going to be Josh's POV I just feel like we haven't hear a lot from josh lately

Josh's POV

~3 weeks after the crash~

I think it's been 3 weeks since the crash, but I'm not positive. Carly has been discharged from the hospital for a week now and she is okay besides her leg, but she just uses crutches to get around and she still has a neck brace, me on the other hand, I'm still in the hospital barley able to move..unfortunately. I'm glad that Carly is okay though I would much rather be the one stuck In a hospital bed then see her in my shoes.

The doctors and nurses keep assuring me I'm making progress and getting better, but I know I'm not I know how I feel and it's the same since the crash no better no worse.

Even though Carly has been discharged she stays with me every night in the hospital and I'm glad because honestly I don't want to be alone here for long.

My parents come down to the hospital whenever they can Connor(my little brother) came the day after the crash, but he has school so he can't come very often.

The hardest thing really is trying to eat. Okay, so try and picture this. I can't move my right arm at all because I'm in a cast from my fingers up to my shoulder then on my left hand my pinky and ring finger are in a cast that starts at my wrist is and goes down. so my only options are my middle finger index finger and thumb. okay now you try and pick up silverware only uses those fingers...its extremely changing. plus you can't bend your torso at all. yah, I hate it. I have to be babied by Carly and nurses. normally I just tell them I'm not hungry so they don't have to baby me. yes I'm a very prideful person, but what can you expect I'm a guy I don't want girls having to baby me. it's a guys job to baby a women not the other way around.

Besides all my injures there are other nuisances. like paparazzi.

They are everywhere! like literally they have gotten into my room somehow!! So I decided to let a few press come in and do an interview. so I did a few interviews just so my fans would know I'm okay because I know they do worry about that. I actually just did an interview yesterday and Carly and I are going to watch the news to see what they say about it.

The door opens to my room and Carly walks in.

"Hey baby!" I say to her as she comes in with a huge bag of envelopes slung over her shoulder as she uses her crutches to come over to me

"Hey" she says kissing me quickly

"What's with all the envelopes?" I ask her

"Well, I was at your house with your parents and the mail came." she says

"Wait, this is the mail!?"

"Haha yes it's all fan mall for you!!"

"Oh my gosh" I say

"Here I read this one I'll read it to you." she says and pulls an open envelope out of the bag and begins to read

"Dear josh," she begins " my name Kristin I'm 13 years old and I'm from Ohio. I absolutely adore you and all your movies!!

I cried when I heard about your accident on the news. I hope you and your girlfriend are okay. I know how your feeling I too was in a car accident last year. but I was not as lucky as you I lost my mother in the crash. I hope you are okay and I'm glad to here no ones life was taken. praying for you, your girlfriend, and your family!!

Keep acting your little heart out!!!<3 ~ Kristin" Carly finishes

I'm absolutely aw struck by this little girls letter. she lost her mother in an accident. she is right I'm luck and I know I am but I never realized how lucky I could have lost Carly of I wasn't carful.

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