Too Good,

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Shawn and I first met when we were on tour with Austin Mahone, honestly I didn't really like him. We would only say a few words to each other before and after shows most of the other girls were closer to him that I was. To me he seemed like a douche bag, Shawn would give me glares and roll his eyes at me when we were in the same room. None of the other girls would see it so I guess he was just a jackass to me? Ally especially was drawn to Shawn, I still don't know what she saw in him.

A few years after the tour was over I got a phone call from my manager. He asked me to come to his office for a discussion. Shit what did I do this time. I went straight to his office but stopped a few times to take pictures with fans. As I walked into his office I saw a guy sitting across from my manager, Jordan.

"Why the fuck is he here," I asked as I rolled my eyes and sat down.

"Well that's what I'm here to talk to you guys about," Jordan commented back. "Shawn's manager and I have decided you guys are going to date."

"Are you fucking kidding me," wow how I've missed Shawn's charm. "Did you know about this," Shawn looked at me judgementally.

"You think I want to date you. Oh please I wouldn't date you if you were the last fucking guy on earth."

"This is not going to fucking happen," Shawn and I said in unison.

"Well you guys better start to get to know each other. I want a new song with both of you on it by the end of the month," he yelled at me as I was walking down the hall toward the elevator. I could hear Shawn stomping behind me as he caught the elevator door just before it closed. We didn't say anything to each other the whole ride down which I was fine with. As we walked out of the office building we both looked at each other as what looked like twenty paparazzi photographers took our pictures.

Son of a bitch

Publicity Stunt (Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello)Where stories live. Discover now