Lush Life,

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13 days. 8 hours. 36 minutes.

That's how long I've been here. I would've counted the seconds but I don't have the patients, I definitely had the time to. The first few days were terrible, I guess that was the withdrawal. Even though I didn't really miss the drugs at first, I missed Shawn. The more I thought about him the more pain I felt which made me miss the drugs. I wasn't allowed any visitors because "it interfered with the program" which really bothered me at first because I couldn't see Shawn but then I remembered him saying he didn't want to see me. Right now all I could think about was getting the hell out of here but Shawn definitely had crossed my mind. I was being released tomorrow 9.

The first week I talks to no one, I only spoke when at the functions we had to attend. It basically worked like the AA meetings you see on tv. You'd say your name and explain your addiction.

Hey, my names Camila I don't have an addiction my friends and family are just hypersensitive.

Or atleast that's what I wanted to say but "the first step to rehabilitation is admitting you have a problem". So I would pretend to believe in this bullshit program.

Hey, my names Camila and I have an addiction to pain medications.

They would ask me about my "backstory" but I would refuse to explain because if I did I would have to talk about Shawn who I was trying to forget. No one would really argue they probably thought I had some deep, dark or maybe even horrific past when in reality I was just trying to get over an ex-boyfriend.

My days were mostly filled with reading, I used it to escape the thought of being about to as close to inprisonment at you could get without actually being in prison. I had to stay away from romantic novels because of course like everything else did, they lead me back to thinking about Shawn. Murder mysteries usually did the trick, Lisa Gardner really knew how to write some fucked up books. But they were entertaining and kept my mind off of certain things. The rest of my time was taken up by those stupid meetings that were pointless to me. I still don't think I had an addiction. There was no way I was going to be able to develop an addiction either because it seemed like I was being drug tested every fifteen minutes. But all of this would be coming to an end soon enough

Is she okay
Does she hate me
Will she ever want to see me again
Should I try to explain myself to her

I couldn't stop thinking about Camila and how much she must hate me. Then again she showed no emotion toward me ten day I took her in. She seemed so cold hearted. I've talked to Lauren a lot since Camila was emitted to the hospital, mostly through text. It helped me to vent to people instead of always writing my emotions into songs. Lauren was going to pick Camila tomorrow. I wanted to be there for Mila but I knew I shouldn't.

One activity I had taken up since Camila was taken away was day drinking. It helped me forget about her even if it was only for a few hours and left me with a terrible headache. I didn't do it everyday only when I really missed her. Today was one of those days. I enjoyed jack and coke, it tasted like candy, and that's probably not good when drinking alcohol. I have no idea how many drinks I had by almost half of my Jack Daniels bottle was gone. I made the hasty decision to text Lauren.

I want to pick Camila up tomorrow.

Not happening mendes.

Laurennn whyyyy

I want to be the first one to see her. You can talk to Camila later

I don't remember falling asleep but I woke up sprawled across my couch the first thing I did was look for my phone. After about fifteen minutes of intense searching I saw it out of the corner of my eye under the couch. It was all smashed to shit, I had a slight anger issue when I was sober it was just heightened when drunk. The phone still worked thank god. I started scrolling through my text messages seeing if I had to do any damage control.


I made sure to sleep in this morning, I didn't want to wake up and have to wait .
19 minutes.
I threw on some sweatpants and a sweatshirt then packed up my bad and headed to the lobby. When I entered the lobby I noticed a tall girl with long dark hair and emerald eyes talking to he head nurse, Selena.
"Camila," Lauren squealed as she ran across the lobby with open arms.
"Hey Lauren," I responded as she squeezed me tightly.
We stayed in that position for a while the we headed toward Lauren's car.
"I thought I was going to have to fight Shawn to pick you up," she said jokingly as we drove out of the parking lot.
Since when did Shawn want to see me.
I didn't respond to Lauren because I had no idea what to say. Plus when did they start talking. Maybe he still was a douche bag.
"I think he's in a bad place," Lauren said breaking up the silence.

He's in a bad place? I was just in rehab for two weeks.

"What do you mean," I responded. I couldn't help but wonder about the well being of the guy who used to love me.

"It's not really my place to tell you. You have other things to wor-"

"Lauren," I gave Lauren my puppy dog eyes and sighed. This always made her cave. After a few seconds of her thinking she finally spoke.

"Okay but you can't tell him I told you." I held my pinky out Lauren wrapped hers around it without taking her eyes off of the road.

"He drinks," I gave her a confused look. "A lot."

So while I've been in rehab "bettering myself" Shawn has been free and fucking everything up. Not that I cared.

Lauren took me out for lunch then drove me home. We mostly talked about her relationship with Tori. Shawn never came up in conversation again which I liked because I honestly didn't know what to say. We said goodbye and hugged then I entered my house that I had missed dearly.

I was sitting on by bed playing with my guitar when my phone vibrated on my nightstand. Honestly I was expecting this call just not this soon.


Publicity Stunt (Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello)Where stories live. Discover now