Sucker For Pain,

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I made it to the emergency room in a timely fashion, driving through the night just to be near her. After I poorly parked my car I made my way into the building.

"Where is Camila Cabello," I asked the lady at the front desk frantically.

"Sir, we can not give out that information," She calmly responded.

I didn't even care enough to fight. I quickly walked down the hallway searching for any signs of Camila. A long hallway of rooms lead me to a small waiting room where I saw a group of girls who I recognized crying. They all looked at me with their tear stained faces.

Why would they be sad. They haven't spoken to Camila in weeks.

Then again I am probably the reason she is here in the first place. My eyes were starting to well up when I felt the warm embrace of a short brunette girl.

"Where's the doctor," I said between sobs.

"They won't tell us what's going on," Ally responded as she loosened her grip on my waist.

I took a deep breath as I sat down in an uncomfortable chair next to Lauren. Then I burrowed my head in my hands and focused on trying to calm myself down.

Breath in, breath out.

Everyone sat in silence for what seemed like eternity until Lauren looked at me and spoke.

"What if I never get to te-tell her I'm s-sorry," she sobbed as I pulled her head into my chest.

I grew up around almost all girls some of my closest friends were girls, they would confide in me about all their troubles, I guess I was a good listener. Most of our conversations usually ended up with the girl crying and me trying to console her. I felt so bad for Lauren. She must be feeling the same pain as I am right now. Except no one knew about the last conversation I had with Camila or that this was all my fault.

"You will get to tell her your sorry," I mumbled my heart finally returning to its normal pace.

"I hope your right," Lauren said into my chest.

I held Lauren for a while longer, it kind of comforted me to know that someone else felt as bad as I did. We all sat in the waiting room for multiple hours. At one point Normani and Dinah went to the taco bell across the street because it was the only thing open at 12:30pm. They came back with four $5 taco boxes. I wasn't hungry but I felt bad that they left to buy it for all of us. We all ate but there was still two boxes left so Ally took it to another family that looked like they were going through something similar to us.

We all sat back down and stayed to ourselves. I went back to the same position I was in earlier, face in my hands. But at this point I was too tired to cry all I wanted was sleep. No. I couldn't sleep. Why should I get to sleep when Camila probably can't wake up.

It must've been around 1:30 when I dozed off. I kept waking up when Lauren would roll her head around on my shoulder but I didn't really mind. I was awoken to a door squeaking loudly everyone gasped and jolted up in unison as the doctor walked forward.

"We pumped her stomach which got rid of most of the Xanax. If she would've taken one more pill or swig of alcohol Camila would be dead."

Everyone started talking over each other. I didn't have time for this bullshit. I started walking past the doctor when he put his arm out and stopped me.

"No visitors right now Sir," the doctor said calmly. How was everyone in this god damn hospital so calm.

"I need to see her," I responded as I tried to push past him but couldn't.

"Go home and get some sleep. Camila should be ready to see you in the morning."

I couldn't argue with him any longer, I could barley stand, I was so tired. I grabbed my jacket and headed to my Jeep. The girls followed me but to be honest I didn't really even notice. I got to my Jeep and angrily sat down, slamming my fist into my steering wheel. My passenger door opened and Lauren jumped in, Ally following behind her.

"Get the hell out," I tried to stay sternly but I think it came out weak because neither of them even flinched.

"You think we are going to let you go home alone? ha."

I started driving toward my house, half way there I noticed a car had been following me since the hospital. Normani and Dinah. No one really said anything when we got to my house, I figured I had to bust up the silence.

"Some of you guys can sleep on the couch. Or down the hall in my spare bed room. I have a couch in the basement as well," I said as I plopped myself on the couch.

I have no idea where they all found them but each girl had a blanket. I shared one with Normani who was sitting closest to me. The tv ended up being turned on but it made no difference because within a matter on minutes we were all passed out.



I didn't want to die. I just wanted to get rid of the pain. I just wanted to wake up feeling better.

That's why I did my research before I did anything. A few sips of vodka and no more than 5mg of Xanax and I would sleep. After I threw some pills back, nothing that I hadn't done before, I laid down in my bed expecting to wake up in the same spot with a small headache. Granted I've only taken Advil to help my pain. No one would find me before I woke up. No one cared about me anyways.

My eyes fluttered open. I felt a head ache as expected but then I felt pain in my left arm and immense pain in my stomach. I shot up in my stiff hospital bed panicking. A beeping grew louder and faster. Doctors and nurses flooded my room, too many to count. They all grabbed onto me and held me down.

"Let me go. I need to leave," I yelled.

Before I would utter any more words my eyes fell heavy and I slipped back into a deep sleep.



I woke up to a phone ringing but I didn't recognized the ringtone. Everyone groaned and sat up as the heard the ringtone. Ally grabbed her phone off of the coffee table where all of our phones were sitting.

"Hello," she said in a groggy voice.

Ally's face lit up as the person on the other line responded.

"Okay we will be right there," we all stood up and headed to the garage knowing that Camila was ready for visitors.


I actually have been really liking writing this story lately. What's a story without a mid book crisis? I hope you guys have been enjoying it, I think my writing has been getting a lot better. I'm also still trying to sneak Shawn lyrics in there. I wasn't going to publish this part for another few days but I really liked this chapter and I'm excited to write more. Thank you guys for your votes and comments - U.M.

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