Fake Love,

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I woke up in an unfamiliar place to the sound of footsteps with a headache and terrible back pain. The soft pitter patter grew closer as a blurry figure appeared in front of me. Fuck. Camila handed me a glass of water and walked into the kitchen without making eye contact. What the hell did I do last night. I groaned as I forced myself off of the couch and toward the kitchen. There was a box of half eaten pizza on the counter top and a shattered guitar on the floor. The pounding grew louder as my vision started to come into focus.

"Do you have any ibuprofen," I questioned trying to piece together last night.
"Not allowed to have any in the house," Camila coldly responded while stuffing the pizza in the garbage.
She disappeared into another room and returned a few moments later. Camila tossed me my keys from across the room. I think she expected me to leave but I didn't move.
"Are you going to tell me what I did to piss you off last night because I sure as hell don't remember," I said after a few minutes of silence.


What was I supposed to say?
You showed up uninvited with a pizza, sung me a song about how I was controlling you, you broke my guitar, then shoved me to the ground.
I didn't want him to feel like complete shit, he was drunk and didn't really know what he was doing.
"You showed up with pizza then insisted on singing me a song. Somehow my guitar ended up broken," I motioned to the shattered guitar on the ground. "Then you thought you should drive home but I stole your keys."

"So why are you angry at me."

I had to think for a few seconds, there's no way I'm telling him that he shoved me to the ground. What the hell was I supposed to say this time.

"You sang Mercy," I finally spat out.

I could see Shawn clenching his jaw as his face turned red.

"God damn it. It wasn't about y-" I cut him off.

"Yeah Shawn it was. It was a good song. I just didn't know you felt that way."

"It wasn't really about you it was ab-"

"Shawn I get it you were angry but since when was I controlling you," his face hardened.

"Would you fucking stop cutting me off. It wasn't about you controlling me. Its about how when you were gone I couldn't stop thinking about you. I couldn't get you out of my head."

"Then why didn't you ever write me any letters," no they didn't allow visitors but letters could be reviewed then given to me.

"I just couldn't do it. I was trying to distance myself from you," Shawn sighed.

I rolled my eyes and continued to clean up the kitchen. Our phones buzzed in unison.


Contracts up

Shawn grunted. "How convenient." He pulled his wallet out and threw two fifty dollar bills on the counter top. I looked at him in confusion.

"For the guitar," Shawn grabbed his jacket and left my house.


Originally this was supposed to be the last chapter but I hate how it ended just as much as you guys did. I then thought maybe I should just rewrite it and end the book there but instead I think I'm going to continue writing this story. Stay tuned. -R.L.T.

Publicity Stunt (Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello)Where stories live. Discover now