Stressed Out,

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I arrived at the studio only to see a bunch of photographers but they weren't yelling questions at me so I could tell they must've been people Jordan called. If this is anything other than Shawn and I recording our parts in this song so help me god. I walked into the studio building with my script but saw no sign of Shawn. Which was okay with me because I was a little bit nervous to see him.

My part got recorded and I had the sound guy play it back for me. I thought it sounded good so I stepped out of the sound booth and started grabbing my stuff to leave.

"Hey you can't leave until Shawn is here to escort you out," the sound guy said with a Boston accent.

"Are you fucking kidding me," I fired back.

"Nope, Jordan's rules. Shawn said he would be here soon."

I sat in a chair in the corner of the room with a pout of my face as I waited. The door opened and I heard the camera's taking pictures before I saw Shawn. He walked past the sound guy and I without looking up from his phone.

"Are you ready? I've got a meeting in 20," Shawn said as he put the headphones on.

Shawn finished recording is part within fifteen minutes, thanked the sound guy and started for the door.

"Shawn you can't leave unless Camila is with you," I guess no one told him either.

"Lets fucking go," Shawn said as he held his arm out. I grabbed on to it as we walked out the door ready to face the photographers.

I was shocked when the door opened. There had to have been fifty different photographers and this time they were yelling.

Are you guys dating

What's the new song called

Are you guys going to be doing shows together now

Camila are you leaving Fifth Harmony

Shawn stopped for a second and smiled for the pictures but I didn't. I pulled his arm with me as we finally reached our cars that were parked beside each other. We both got in our car as we read a text from our group chat.

Song release Friday - Jordan

I looked at Shawn through our car windows, gave him a forced smile and a thumbs up.

Publicity Stunt (Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello)Where stories live. Discover now