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I quickly ran off stage, opposite of the way I had seen Shawn go. Numerous thoughts ran through my head. I couldn't help but feel all of the emotions I had once felt for him come flooding back. The bad and most definitely the good.

Quickly I rushed to my dressing room, my eyes fixed on the ground hoping to not make eye contact with anyone. I shut the door behind me placing my back against it. My hands covered my face as I attempted to focus my evening my breathing.

"What's wrong with you," a deep voice asked.

I groaned and slowly removed my hands from my face. I couldn't say that I was exactly surprised that Shawn was in my green room.

"Why do you care," I grumbled.

"What," Shawn asked sounding rather annoyed.

"Please leave," I responded in an equally snarky tone.

He took a sip from his water bottle and shrugged, "Okay if you want to walk home."

I stood up placing a hand on my hip, "I'm not getting in a car with you."

"Whatever princess," Shawn mumbled tossing his now empty plastic bottle on the couch as he walked past me.

I looked into the hall way in search of an assistant but no one was in sight.

"Wait," I yelled regretfully to Shawn who was already half way down the hall. He turned toward me with a smirk on his face. I went back into the dressing room and grabbed all of my stuff. When I returned to the hallway Shawn was no where to be seen. I grunted before starting down the long hall.

Quickly I jogged down the hallway hoping that everything I began running with was still in my arms. I reached the parking lot to see Shawn sitting impatiently in his jeep.

"Don't give me that look," I scoffed tossing my things in the back seat then hopping in the front. I placed my sweaty palms between my legs hoping that it would stop me from nervously fidgeting.

"That took you for-ever. Good thing you're a singer not an athlete," Shawn spoke breaking the silence.

I saluted Shawn with my middle finger followed by an eye roll. He chuckled assuming I was joking. I stared out the window desperately wanting this car ride to end.

Shawn turned down the radio, "I have an idea I'd like to talk to you about."

This should be good I thought to myself , "An idea pertaining to...?"

"I think we should do a joint tour-"

"Abso-fucking-lutley not," I responded immediately knowing he wasn't joking.

Shawn tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, "Oh come on. This could really help your career, it could be like your' greatest hits tour'." He created an imaginary banner with his hands before placing his hands back on the wheel.  

I clutched my chest and began heaving. "I ca-n't br-"

"Oh my god. Camila- camila are you okay?"

I leaned closer toward the window squinting my eyes  and slowly began to breath normally again.

"I-I'm sorry.. its just.. your ego was taking up too much of the car," I cracked a smile.

"Are you kidding me?! Don't do that shit," Shawn playfully punched my shoulder.

I giggled, "You should've seen your face. Greatest hits tour? I'm not 50."

"Yeah well you're not far from," He chuckled as he pulled into my driveway.

Unbuckling myself I responded, "Oh please you're not that far behind me." I jumped out of the jeep and began gathering all of my things. I looked at Shawn as he scrolled through his phone. He saw something that made him grin. The wide smile reminded me of all the good moments I had with Shawn. All of the feeling I had for him came flooding back. And in that moment I felt the spark. The spark of love that made me feel like I was a teenager again.

"Hey Shawn," I grinned as he turned toward me. "Do you want to come inside?"

"I would love to."


I'm not sure if anyone reads this story anymore but I really enjoyed writing this chapter. Sorry it was so short. I'm not sure but this may be the last chapter of this story unless I get an idea for a better ending. Thanks for reading - R.L.T.

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