The Greatest,

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2 years later

"Good night Chicago! Thank you," I yelled into my microphone as I rushed off stage. My hair damp with sweat bounced up and down in a rhythmic pattern, in sync with my steps. A group of workers with head sets on lead me back to the small green room where I was greeted by Jordan.

"Your never going to guess who called me," Jordan said handing me a silk robe.

I slid the robe over my shoulders, tying it in the middle overtop of my bedazzled leotard. "Can we walk and talk I really want to get back to the hotel to get some rest before New York."

"Yeah sure. I sent your bags already," Jordan spoke guiding me out of the venue. The screams of thousands of fans became distant as we reached the parking lot.

Jordan helped me into the tinted SUV before continuing, "They want you to preform at the AMAs."

"Are you serious," I asked in complete shock. Jordan nodded in response, I pulled him in for a tight hug, unable to control my excitement.

"Well that was the good news but..."

I glared at Jordan. If looks could kill he would be slaughtered.

"Now you have to hear me out."

I continued staring at Jordan, not saying a word. He had a tendency to book me things that I never agreed with. I get that he's trying to get my name out there but not all publicity is good publicity.

"Promise you won't yell?"

I took a deep breath, "Jordan just tell me."


"I promise I won't freak out," I lied.

"Okay so Andrew called me and was talking to me about how you and Shawn are in the peaks of your careers and we think-"

"Fuck no," I interrupted.

Jordan rolled his eyes," Come on just one song. Think about what this could do for your career."

I haven't talked to Shawn since our relationship ended so abruptly two years ago. If you'd even call it a relationship. He never called after he stormed out that morning. I never contacted him because I didn't know where we stood. Did he ever actually like me? Or was it just convenient for his career? I'm not sure if my feeling for him were real either. Honestly I've kind of surprised those few weeks from my memories. My music has been my main focus.

The girls and I drifted apart after Shawn and I's single dropped. After a few months of feeling very lost in life, as if I didn't have a purpose, Capitol Records signed me. Jordan hired a team of writers, paired with my abilities we wrote every song on my self titled album. After over half a year of writing and producing the album I was happy with the product. It reached the top of the charts only twenty four hours after it was released. We capitalized on its success and scheduled my first solo North American tour.

"Andrew and I scheduled a meeting between all of us tomorrow after the show."


The car slowed as Jordan exhaled, "It's nothing official just a meeting. And you can argue with me all you want but tomorrow you will be civil and professional."

"Fine," I rolled my eyes.


Hey guys! On the last chapter I wrote of this book I wrote a whole explanation but long story short instead of ending the story I'm just going to keep writing it. I'm not quite sure when I will be updating but once I figure it out I'll let you know. I hope you guys are as excited as I am. Thanks -R.L.T

Publicity Stunt (Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello)Where stories live. Discover now