Deja Vu,

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Today is the day, the last show of my first tour. Radio city. This venue is a milestone for every artist. After essentially being kicked out Fifth harmony I never thought I would make music again let alone preform at Radio City.

I bounced up and down as my anxiety builds. The roar of the crowd grew louder as it neared show time. My team gathered in the long hallway.

"Where's Jordan," I questioned searching the group. "I-I can't do this without Jordan, not today-"

A hand clasped my shoulder, "Calm down your going to kill this. You don't need Jordan." My drummer, Mike, looked at me with a comforting smile. "You're going to go out there and pretend like this is any normal show. You hear that?" Mike cuffed his hand around his ear listening to the chanting. "You're going to go out there and give your fans the best show you can. Got it?"

"Got it," I nodded.

"Let's go team!" A man with a deep voice yelled gathering everyone into a circle. We each placed one hand in the middle.

"To a kick ass show," mike grinned.

"To a kick ass show," I repeated in agreement.

"Radio City!" We all yelled in unison and we threw our hands into the air. My band jogged onto stage, they began playing their instruments, rallying the crowd.

"What's up New York?!" I yelled into the microphone as I skipped onto stage.

Half way through the set it hit me. I was preforming in front of a sold out crowd at Radio City. And I was doing it all by myself. I didn't need anyone else's help.

The band started to play the intro to the next song, I turned toward them with one hand in the air. Each of them looked at me in confusion as they stopped playing their instruments. I turned back toward the enormous crowd my heart pounded over the noise of their screams. I whipped the sweat from my forehead as I took a deep breath.

"I-I can't believe I'm here, that I've made it this far. Though getting here did come with some problems," I laughed. "Okay so maybe there were a lot of problems but that's not the point. The point is that I'm so grateful and I owe it all to you guys. The people who bought the album and made this whole tour possible."

My eyes scanned the crowd until I recognized a familiar face. His height stood out from all of the teenage girls'. The perfect smile plastered to his face made me grin.

"And I guess I just wanted to say thank you," I spoke into the microphone maintaining eye contact with Shawn.

After preforming for what only felt like five minutes I walked off of stage feeling like I was on top of the world. My smile quickly faded as I walked back into the greenroom.

"Fantastic show I must say," Shawn said with a devilish grin.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well its nice to see you too," He wrapped his muscular arms around me. My arms stayed at my sides as an uncomfortable feeling over whelmed me.

"You've improved," Shawn spoke monotonously as he let go of me. "A lot actually."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Thanks," I mumbled sounding like a question rather than an appreciative remark.

"But...I don't think your set is quite over," He grinned holding up his own microphone.

I shook my head and couldn't help but laugh. "Not happening Mendes."

Shawn cupped his large hand over his ear, "Come on. Do you hear them? They want more." He grinned referring to the crowd chanting for an encore.

"I haven't sung it for years and even if I had I wouldn't-"

Shawn held his microphone to his mouth, "What's up Radio City?!"

The screams amplified. Shawn had a devilish grin screwed onto his face as he walked past me toward the stage. Regretfully I followed close behind.

Shawn galloped to the left side of the stage as I made my way to the opposite side. The crowd's intensity had multiplied since earlier.

"Camila has so graciously allowed me to come on stage and preform the closing song with her," Shawn spoke as a guy from the stage crew handed him a guitar. He began strumming a familiar pattern on the guitar, chords I hadn't heard looped together in years. The crowd screamed in excitement.

"Now I'm not sure if any of you guys know this one," I spoke sarcastically. "But if you do sing along."

Shawn and I both walked toward center stage as I began singing the opening verse. It felt as if we'd practiced hundreds of times for this very performance. When in reality no amount of practice could make this song sound this amazing. The crowd belted every word, the energy was overwhelming.

As the intensity of the song grew Shawn strummed harder on the guitar. We faced each other, our body's just inches apart as we tried to out sing each other.  Sweat bubbled on my forehead as I stomped my foot to the beat and flailed my arms.

"I know," we sang in unison as the background music stopped.

Shawn grinned as he winked at me. I rolled my eyes and stood on my tip toes wrapping my arms around his broad shoulders. He squeezed me tightly, all of the memories came flooding back. I shut my eyes willing them away.

"Thank you," I whispered in Shawn's ear as I pulled away but left my arms draped over his shoulders. Slowly Shawn leaned in pressing his lips against mine. He caressed my cheek as the kiss intensifies. The crowd gasps as the lights go out.

"Oh you're welcome,love," Shawn smirks before trudging off stage.


Hey guys. I know I said I was going to update over break but I was busy with family and enjoying my time off. I'll update the book that you guys request the most first then work my way to the least requested. Thank you guys for reading. R.L.T.

Publicity Stunt (Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello)Where stories live. Discover now