Needed Me,

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"Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Your manager said make it believable," Shawn mumbled as scrolled down on his phone.

"You barley talk to me and now we are supposedly making moves on each other?" I said as I bent down and grabbed his phone.

"Make it believable," He rolled his eyes and reached for his phone.

"Fuck you," I said as I threw Shawn's phone at him and stormed out the door.

I had a plane to catch with people who weren't completely happy with my right now.

Once I got into the car that was to take me to the air port I got a text from Shawn.

Huh, ballsy


Don't forget to keep updating your socials. Make it believable love.

Love. Love? Are you fucking kidding me. What a jackass. I followed Shawn's instructions as much as I didn't want to by posing a picture with Shawn's arm around me during James Corden. I posted the picture on Instagram and Twitter but after I posted it on twitter I made the mistake of scrolling through my timeline. I found an article entitled "Shawmila is real".

"What the fuck," I mumbled.

"I'm sorry I didn't here you," my driver responded.

I didn't say anything back because I was too distracted Shawn and I's relationship that was obviously real. By the time we reached the runway where our plane was I have no idea how many "Shawmila" articles I read. I was brought back to reality by my driver telling me we had arrived. I thanked him and excited the car.

My heart started to beat out of my chest as I walked up the stairs to the private plane. I felt cold stairs as I took the only empty seat all the way in the back of the plane. All the other girls were sitting in pairs toward the front of the plane. I felt my eyes welting with tears, I had no one else to turn to so as my last resort in my moment of weakness I texted Shawn.


I know this chapter was really short and shitty but I'm kind of getting writers block.. I'll try to update later this week. Thanks to you guys if you are still reading this story. -U.M.

Publicity Stunt (Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello)Where stories live. Discover now