Runaway (U & I),

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My conversation with Dinah was pretty generic. It sounded like a get well soon card. Which was fine because I really wasn't in the mood for talking and I had a lot more to do. The next to come in was Ally, this conversation went a little past the lines of a get well soon card. After our greetings Ally cut straight to what she clearly wanted to discuss.

"I was the one that called 911," Ally finally choked out. What I really think she wanted to say went something along the lines of I found you curled up on your bed unconscious and thought you were dead.

"Why were you at my house?"

"I-I wasn't. Shawn told me to come. He thought something was wrong with you." 

The story was finally coming together but still made no sense. How did Shawn know I wasn't okay.

The rest of Ally and I's conversation was her apologizing and crying while I kept telling her it wasn't her fault. At one point she was sobbing because she knew I had a "drug problem" and didn't do anything about it. Next walked in Normani whom I didn't really have anything to say to. She also apologized but not for enabling my "drug problem" just for excluding me. Once that painful conversation ended Lauren waltzed in. She looked the worst out of everyone, as if she had been crying for the past 24 hours.

"I have something to tell you," Lauren muttered without making eye contact. I nodded at her signaling for her to go on.

"Okay. Don't get mad at me but you know when we were in Mexico and you fell asleep on the plane," I nodded. "I went through your bag because I knew there was something...up with you."

"What the hell Laur," before I could say anything else Lauren cut me off.

"I talked to your parents and after all of.... this," Lauren motioned to the squeaky clean hospital room. "They decided to check you into rehab once you get out of here." She scrunched her nose and made a stupid face trying to lighten the mood.

"Are you fucking kidding me," I said my jaw clentched.



I had just reached my house when my phone rang.



I clicked answer to hear an enraged Camila screaming through the speakers.

"Did you know about this," she yelled.

"Camila calm down I can hear you just fine jesus."

"Are you in on this Shawn. I swear to god.." her voice trailed off.

"In on what," I questioned.

"They are sending me to fucking rehab."

"uh I don't know what your talking about...." I lied.

"Meet me at the front desk in 20. I'm going to have to be dead before they take me to rehab." The line fell silent until I heard a loud beep telling me the call was ended.

Suicide jokes, probably too soon.

I typed in Mila's moms number and typed out a text.

Camila wants me to bust her out of the hospital. Ill take her out to eat then drive her there.

Her mom sent me an agreement text when I was about half way to the hospital.



Rehab. Fucking rehab. All I've ever taken was Advil and Xanax. And I don't do anything bad when I'm using the drugs. More than anything they just help me stay calm and sleep.

The nurses came in earlier to take my IV out and disconnect me from all the machines. I took a shower and threw on the ratty clothes my mom brought me this morning with my phone. Shawn was on his way to essentially rescue me. I grabbed my phone and started making my way to the main loby. No one paid me any attention. Finally I reached the stair case that would lead to my freedom.

I spotted Shawn, he looked so terrible. As I got closer I noticed the bags under his eyes had darkened and his smile no longer seemed kind. He looked merely like a skeleton of his former self. Shawn handed a clipboard to the receptionist and turned toward me with a sorrowful smile.

"Hi," I said excitedly with a smile as I pulled Shawn in for a hug.

"Shall we," he held his hand out and looked toward the lobby door.

"We shall."

I rushed out of the hospital with a little extra skip in my step, I hadn't been here long but I couldn't wait to leave. Shawn lagged behind me as I continued to the parking lot but stopped as I realized I had no idea where Shawn was parked. We found his Jeep and got in. I had never been more excited for a silent car ride in my life.

"I'm thinking North maybe South Dakota," I finally spoke up.

Shawn looked confused as he furrowed his eyebrows at me. "What are you talking about?"

"Lets leave. We can be normal people. Live in a big house with a lot of land. No paparazzi, no Jord-" Shawn's chuckling cut me off.

"I'm serious," I mumbled less excitedly.

"How about we get you something to eat before we discuss running away," he grins at me.

"We wouldn't have to deal with anyone. Our families could come t-"

"Enough Camila," Shawn said no longer joking.



Camila keeps talking about running away when all I can think about is how I'm going to have to take her to a place where they are going to put her away. I don't know if I can go through with this. She'll never forgive me. But I have to, she needs help.

I pull into the parking lot of a small dinner outside of town, close to the rehab facility. We get out of the car and walk into the restaurant without saying a word to each other. Our food it ordered and we just sit, staring at each other and occasionally taking sips of our drinks.

"Did you really mean what you said last night," Camila finally muttered. I pretended to not know what she was referring to. After a few seconds she piped up again.

"When you said you loved me."

"Yes," I responded without any thought.

"Then why'd you say you couldn't see me anymore," Camila raised her voice.

"You know your cute when your angry," I smiled trying to change the subject.

I noticed Camila was blushing. She seemed so happy, how could I leave her.

As we finished our food Camila told me about how she made up with all the girls. She looked genuinely happy which made me feel better about the fact that I was lying to her. Camila and I argued over the bill, I won, then I paid and we headed back to the Jeep. I felt the pit in my stomach grow larger.

I nervously tightened my grip on the wheel as I headed toward the rehab. Camila hadn't said anything about where we were going yet which probably helped the situation.

7 miles

"Shawn were are we going."

I gritted my teeth not knowing what to say.


Yeah I don't really know where this is going. But if your still reading this then it but not be that bad. Sorry that this story is kind of going to shit but thanks to the people who are still reading, voting and commenting. - U.M.

Publicity Stunt (Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello)Where stories live. Discover now