All In My Head,

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Shawn's POV

Camila and I sat down next to each other at the kitchen island next to Ian while Brian was "making" eggs. I've known that kid for so long and honestly hes never cooked anything edible.

"You know in all the years I've known the Shawn Mendes I don't think he's ever brought a girl to stay over night," Ian jokingly said as he tried to high five me but I denied him.

"Nothing happened," both of the guys have me judgmental glares. "Guys I swear we just watched movies."

They both started busting out laughing, Camila's face flushed red. I mouthed stop to both of them and they let go of the topic.

"And in all the years that I've known the Brian Craigen hes never made any food that hasn't been burnt," I fire back. Brian jokingly acts like he got shot then tosses his egg in the garbage because it was almost the same color as the pan.

I took over the reigns and started cooking eggs and bacon. Brian took the seat closest to Ian leaving a seat between them and Camila who sat awkwardly and tapped her fingers on the counter. We were talking about the game I missed last night, Camila said nothing as she continued to drum her fingers quietly. We ate breakfast in comfortable silence when everyone was done I stood up and put the plates in the washer.


Camila's POV

Breakfast was super awkward its like I was fourth wheeling. When ever I'm nervous or embarrassed I do the thing when I tap on a table to the beat of a song. And if its really bad I'll tap on my legs, it helps me try to remain calm. I was kind of happy when breakfast was over because that meant I wouldn't have to awkwardly sit there but then I remembered Shawn said he was going to take me home.

Shawn grabbed his keys from a bowl in the middle of the table and looked at me with raised eye brows.

"You ready to go?"

I nodded regretfully and waved good by to Shawn's friends. He lead me out of the house and to his Jeep. The first half of the car ride was silent like the ride to his house was until Shawn spoke up.

"I'm sorry about Brian and Ian," he awkwardly mumbled.

I chuckled, "theres nothing to be sorry about." Google maps kept telling Shawn where to go until he got angry and shut his phone off. He slowed to a stop once he reached my house and turned toward me.

"That was fun. We should do it-," I interrupted him by pulling him in for a tight hug. Unlike the hug at the airport Shawn immediately wrapped his arms around me.

"Thank you," I mumbled into his shoulder.

Shawn released his grip on me and extended his arms but still had ahold of me by my shoulders. He looked me directly in the eyes and spoke.

"If you ever need anything. Ever. Call me."

"Okay," I said with a sheepish grin.

"I'm serious. Do you promise?," Shawn said in a stern tone.

"I promise." I felt as if I was getting interrogated by a parent.

Shawn got out of the car grabbed my bag for me and then opened my door. We said our goodbyes with another hug as he got back into the Jeep I grabbed my bag and confidently walked to my house.


Shawn's POV

Hugging Camila felt like the best thing in the world, almost better then performing. I've never really liked anyone except for Lauren but that was highschool. I couldn't think of anything except Camila the whole drive home. She was so perfect. Her huge brown eyes, Her luscious brown hair. Her adorable smile.

When I reached my house I pulled into the garage and put the car in park. I noticed a bottle of Advil on the floor of the passengers side. Since I was curious I picked it up and realized it weighed practically nothing so I shook it and heard no noise. Huh, that's odd but I didn't think too much of it.

The other week when Mila had her break down I called Jordan because I was worried about her well being. He informed me of Camila's background which made me even more worried. What Jordan also told me was that Camila was "delicate". And that almost anything could throw Camila back into her old habits. Which is why I'm being cautious and not really making any moves. I'm afraid that if I get too close to her and that if it ends she will go off the deep end. But how long can we go without anything happening.

To clear my head I decided to go for a hike. Just my music and I. I did this often, usually when I got sick of everyone telling me what to do. The trail would take me a clif overlooking a good chunk of LA. When I was younger I would sit there for hours, just thinking about my life and things I wanted to accomplish. If I was really stressed I would yell. I wouldn't yell actual words I would just scream. It felt really good to release all my bult up aggression.

I parked my Jeep got out my phone put it on do not disturb then put on some old Eminem and off I went.

Publicity Stunt (Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello)Where stories live. Discover now