Can't Stop The Feeling,

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Camila's POV

Its been a week and I haven't talked to Shawn. I thought we had a really good time last week, maybe that wasn't a mutual feeling. Maybe he didn't want me to stay overnight even if that was why he wasn't talking to me I don't think it would've been that big of a deal. I even tried to apologize after the fact. Why do I fuck everything up. I still haven't talked to any of the girls. Ally was the only one who wanted to be there for me and I pushed her the farthest away.

Its not like I hadn't contemplated apologizing but I don't think I did anything wrong. I wrote a song without them, boo hoo. Yeah I didn't tell them but its because I forgot, I didn't do anything in spite of them. Plus I was sick of always having to be the bigger person and say sorry. So I vowed to my self that I wouldn't apologize for an issue that I didn't create.

The first few days it didn't really bother me tha Shawn hadn't contacted me. But by the third or fourth day I was getting paranoid and second guessing everything I did that night. Maybe Shawn was just sick of me. I wasn't cool in high school and the very few so called friends I had said that they got sick of me after a few days. What if Shawn had a lower tolerance then they had.


Shawn's POV

I should've called Camila so many times but I just sat next to my phone. I didn't want to lead her on especially because I knew we couldn't get close. The first few days were extreamly hard I would pick up my phone and I'd get as far as typing a text. My phone would just sit there, antagonizing me. I have no idea what I would've done if she had made the first move and texted me. It felt as if I was going through withdrawl, I hadn't even spent that much time with her. For what ever reason I felt this odd conection with her. It was like in movies where the girl and the guy can't stand to be apart and the guy would do anything to protect the girl. This was me protecting the girl. But with protecting the girl meant the guy would be hurting himself. And I couldn't take it any longer. If I just hang out with her everyonce and a while I can get my fix without the withdrawl. So for the first time in the week longest week of my life I sent a text to Camila.

Hey Camila. What are you doing tonight?

Hey Shawn I don't think I'm doing anything. Why?

Picking you up in twenty.

After setting up plans with Camila I called my favorite Pizza joint. Fourty-five minutes to delivery. Perfect. Just enough time to set up and grab Mila. I kicked Ian and Brian out of my house then grabbed some blankets and ran up stairs to the roof. There was already a matress set up infront of the projector. I enjoyed being on the roof and looking at the stars. Sometimes I'd go up there after a long run to cool off. Or if I didn't have enough energy to run and just wanted to be alone.  It was peaceful. I threw down a comforter on the mattress and two blankets. Once I thought it looked perfect I got in my car and headed to get Camila.


Camila's POV

I was surprised to hear my phone going off at all let alone for the text to be from Shawn at 7pm. I decided to not dress up at all and wear what I already had on, a pair of leggings and a long-sleeved flannel. My hair was in a loose French braid that kept hitting the middle of my back as I put on my tennis shoes. Shawn didn't strike me as a fancy date kind of guy. Not that I was even considering this a date. I really hope that I'd be right about the fancy date. I was looking at some old pictures of the girls and I as I saw a familiar Jeep pull in my drive way.

"Hey stranger," I smiled and waved at Shawn as I pulled the passanger door open.

"Whats up," He said as we pulled out of the drive way and started down the road.

Most of Shawn and I's car rides together had been very quiet and this one was not any different. But to me it didn't matter, it felt good just to be in the same silent car with him. I hummed along with the quiet music as I started to see all the houses that looked the exact same, I smiled to myself as we pulled into his drive way. Shawn lead me through his house like he did last week except this time the large house was silent and he didn't take me to his room. We went up a staircase that I assumed lead to some type of attic. What the hell did Shawn want to show me in his attic.

Shawn opened the door and I felt a cold breeze hit my face. There was a projector pointing at a white wall fairy lights lined the entire roof. An uncontrollable smile spread across my face as I took everything in. I was so distracted by the lights that I didn't even notice the neat bed infront of it.

"You like," Shawn asked me as he handed me a Cherry Pepsi from the cooler that was next to the bed.

"I love."

Shawn poked his head over the side of the roof as I heard what sounded like a car door slame. I was confused and I must've looked confused because Shawn looked at me and held up his pointer finger signaling me that he would be right back. Less than five minutes later Shawn appeared with a large pizza box in his hands and a girn on his face.

"I hope pepperoni is okay," Shawn said as he joined me on the matress.

"My favorite," I lied. It seemed like Shawn had tried so hard to make this night perfect. I sure as hell wasn't going to say anything wrong to ruin it.

This time there wasn't a great debate as to which movie we were going to watch. Bad Moms started playing and I wasn't angry about it. Stupid funny movies was probably my second favorite genera of movies, behind romcoms.


Shawn's POV

I wanted to bring Camila on the roof to watch a movie and eat pizza because it was easy. It didn't require a lot of work and I knew she would enjoy it as much as I usual do. Plus I wouldn't have to explain why I've been ghosting her. As the movie went on Camila slid closer to me. I knew this wasn't going to end well.

Mila Kunis said something funny, Camila and I laughed and made eye contact. She leaned in and we kissed. It was amazing. It pained me to pull myself away.

"Camila you know we cant," I said still making eye contact.

"Yes we can," She said sassily as she leaned in even closer.

"Camila," I said in a stern tone. She looked absolutely mortified.

"Sorry," I mumbled under my breath.

I shimmied my body away from her to my side of the mattress as I turned my head and tried to enjoy the rest of the movie.

Are any of you guys catching the lyrics casually being thrown in the story? If you guys do see grammar mistakes or misspellings feel free to leave comments for me to fix them. I think this story is getting progressively worse but this is probably one of my favorite chapters I've wrote. Thank you to the people who are still reading. -U.M.

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