Cold Water,

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I got to the James Corden studio fifteen minutes before preparations were supposed to start. Honestly I was extreamly nervous, thank god Shawn and I didn't have to ride together. He probably would've wanted to jump out of the car because the whole ride here I was literally shaking. I think the public anxiety derives from having to preform infront of thousands of people before I was eighteen. My stylist,Tori, greeted me and told me to have a seat which was infront of a highly lighted mirror. I drummed my thumbs on the table top to the beat of I Know What You Did Last Summer as Tori gathered her supplies to beautify me. A short blonde walked up to me with a star struck look on his face.

"H-Hi Ms. Cabello. Can I get you anything?"

"Yeah actually can I get a large coffee with two creamers," I responded almost immediately.

"No. Get her a green tea with no caffeine," Tori chimed in before the man disappeared without asking any further questions. "You deffinetly don't need any caffeine," she judgementally said as she looked at my hands that were still drumbing on the table.

Tori was almost done fixing up my hair and face which had looked like a mess before I arrived since I had gotten relatively no sleep last night.

"What do you think," Tori asked me. She was smiling so big I could see her dimple. Even if I didn't like it I wouldn't have had the heart to say no because she looked so happy.

"I love it," I said as I stood up and pulled Tori in for a tight hug. "Thank you."

She wished me good luck as we both heard a bunch on interns running around whispering. It wasn't time for me to go on stage yet so Tori and I just hung out. I finally got sick of hearing everyone whispering so finally I asked the guy that had brought me my tea.

"Hey is there something wrong or-," he surprised me and cut me off.

"Shawn M-Mendes just arrived," I rolled my eyes as the short guy walked away.

A few minutes later Shawn walked to my dressing room, knocked on the door and then opened it before I said he could come in.

"It's our time to shine," Shawn said with a smile that I couldn't tell if it was fake or genuine. I walked up to him and wrapped my arm around his. Another intern with a headset walked by us and said we had five minutes until our performance. Shawn must've been able to hear my deep breaths because he kept glaring at me.

"Camila you need to calm down because you are stressing the hell out of me," Shawn said without making eye contact with me. Before I could calm myself down we were pushed on stage as Shawn and I put on our fake smiles. The interview was going well, I pretended that I was still talking to everyone from 5h, shawn was extra cocky, he also put his arm around me which made me feel less nervous. Then James asked us if we were dating, the crowd cheered, Shawn and I both sat there for a second before I said no. The rest of the interview was really awkward. What really pissed me off was when Shawn said he had made a move on me before but I "swore him off".

So of course I tried to defend my self and flipped the situation which made it into even more of a cluster fuck. Honestly I was so happy when the interview ended and we got to preform. After the performance Shawn said nothing to me and walked directly to his dressing room, I followed him. I knocked on the door and opended it directly after as he had done to me earlier.

Publicity Stunt (Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello)Where stories live. Discover now