You & Me,

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Camila's POV

We were about three hours away from LAX when my Everything playlist was interrupted by a text notification from Shawn. I felt a smile grow across my face as I opened it.

Don't forget I'm picking you up at the airport

I had completely forgot that he was picking me up, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep as I had planned on. We finally landed and all the girls stared at me at this point I didn't really care because I was so excited to see Shawn. I got off the plane, greeted the few fans that were waiting to meet all the girls and then searched for Shawn. His back was turned toward me when I finally found him. Once he finished taking pictures with his fans I awkwardly tapped on his shoulder.


Shawn's POV

I felt a tug on my shoulder and turned around expecting to see a fan. A smile spread across my face as Camila hugged my torso. At first I was shocked by her embrace but then I wrapped my arms around Camila and pulled her closer. After a minute or two I started to see fans getting their phones out so I pulled away from the hug and looked into Camila's gorgeous brown eyes.

"You ready to get out of here," I smiled at her.

"You have no idea."

We reached my Jeep that a valet guy had just drove up to the main entrance, I tipped the guy a five dollar bill before I picked up Camila's luggage and threw it in the back seat of my car. I opened the passenger door and helped Camila in. Her purse made an odd shaking noise, I glanced at her.

"What was that?"

"Tic Tacs," Camila said with her adorable smile.

We sat for a few minutes while listening to the hum of the radio, I was too focused on the road to pay attention to what song was playing. Camila gasped for air and it alarmed me.

"Are you okay," I asked with a worried look on my face as she turned the radio.

We both looked at each other with the stupidest grins on our faces as we heard our voices on the radio. Those three minutes were the happiest I'd ever seen Camila.

"Hey, do you want to come hangout at my house or do you want me to take you home," I asked after the song was finished.

"I wouldn't mind hanging out."

Most of the car ride was filled with silence except for when Camila would turn the radio up if she heard a song she liked. If it was anyone else changing the station that many times it would've pissed me off. I probably would've raised my voice and told them to quit it, despite what everyone thinks I really wasn't a "polite Canadian". Not that I was rude but I have quite a temper, especially when people messed around with my Jeep.
Camila's POV

There wasn't a whole lot on conversation on the way to Shawn's house which was okay because for the first time in a week I felt comfortable. I was looking out the window and taking in my surroundings. We turned into a small suburb out side of Los Angeles. All of the houses looked the same, two or three stories, white or gray, a big yard and multiple high end cars parked either next to the house or in the drive way. You definitely could tell that this was a rich neighbor hood which didn't surprise me at all.
Shawn started to slow down close to end of the road and pulled into a drive way that looked like all the others. The only thing that caught my eye was a small black car sitting on the left side of the drive way. Shawn drove into the the garage, parked, then helped me out of the car. He walking into the house before me and threw his keys in a bowl that was sitting on the counter.

"Son of a bitch," I hear a voice shout from another room in the house.
"What the hell! He totally had that one," I hear another voice shout as Shawn leads me down stairs the voices grow louder.
I see two guys yelling at the football game that was on the tv between stuffing handfuls of Doritos in their mouths.
Shawn points at the guy with darker hair wearing a flat hat and speaks up. "Camila this is Ian," Shawn pauses as he punches the guy closest to us on the shoulder. "And this is Brian." They both look up for a quick second one  waves the other mumbles a hey before turning their attention back to the game.

"Must not be social hour," Shawn says with a grin as he leads me too a large room that was down the hall from the room Ian and Brian were in. He flops himself down on his King sized bed and pats on the grey duvet signaling for me to lay down next to him.
"Do you want to watch a movie," Shawn questions as he fumbled with the remote. I nod in agreement.

Shawn opens Netflix and starts scrolling to the comedies.
"Actually I was thinking maybe... A horror movie?"
I can see a shocked look on his face but he did as I wished. After scrolling through probably half of the horror movies on Netflix we finally settle on Insidious 2. Normally I avoided these types of movies because they actually scared me, I think I just wanted to be close to Shawn.

Within the first five minutes I was clinging to his side, my heart pounding. Every time there was a jump scare I would gasp and Shawn would laugh at me.

Publicity Stunt (Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello)Where stories live. Discover now