We Don't Talk Anymore,

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((There's some mature topics continuing through out this book including drugs. So if that "triggers" you I would probably stop reading. I don't get too in depth but stop reading if it bothers you))

I woke up with my eyes glued shut, I rushed to the bathroom as I pried them open. My mascara had ran all the way down my chin damn I must've really cried last night, poor Shawn. I grabbed my phone and started texting an apology to Shawn but then stopped. Why should I apologyize if he wanted to talk to me? I shook off that thought and opened my suit case revealing my clothes which were obviously packed in a hurry. We didn't have rehearsals until 1pm so I grabbed a large sweatshirt and a pair of legging then headed to the shower. I just finished my make up when I heard a soft knock at the door, without thinking I opended it. To my surprise it was Ally I was expecting management. I pulled the door all the way open and gestured for her to enter.

"Hey, whats going on," I asked with a genuine smile. I was happy to talk to someone besides Shawn not that talking to him wasn't pleasant.

"I-I need to talk to you," Ally said nervously sitting on the end of my bed.

I took a seat next to her "about what?"

"I saw what you did yesterday," She said sternly.

"Oh yeah, and what exactly did I do yesterday?"

"You were crying and you took all those p-pills on the plane," Ally said looking concerned.

"I had a big headache."

"Mila you took like ten pills," she said raising her voice.

"Big headache," I try to reassure her putting emphasis on the word big.

"I heard you talking to Shawn last night," Ally said with a judgmental look. "Or rather crying to Shawn."

"Look Ally, I'm fine."

"Whatever," Ally says as she rolls her eyes and storms out of my room.

I take a deep breath and grab for my purse again swallowing six of the blue pills.


Shawn's POV

Everything that happened yesterday was so fucked up, our first interview wasn't terrible but definitely wasn't good. The talk I had with Camila in the dressing room wasn't pleasant honestly I was being a jackass. Which makes me think was this all my fault? I was so worried when Camila stopped responding to me but I had no idea that I cared about her that much. I would say that it was just because we worked together but it seemed like so much more than that. So much more that even after Camila was telling me she was okay I had to see for myself. Which she obviously wasn't fine because if she was she wouldn't have had a breakdown while on FaceTime with me, this makes me wonder if Camila is also has some type of feeling for me or if she just needed to vent. Honestly it pained me to have to watch her cry and not be able to hold and console her. After she fell asleep I texted Ally, for what ever reason I feel like Ally would do anything for me.

I told her to check on Camila in the morning, I know that most of her band members were mad at Camila but I figured if anyone would help me it would be Ally. Ally promised me that she would check on Camila in the morning and that made me sleep a little better that night. To be honest I think there was something off with Camila she seemed dazed. I was woken by my phone buzzing on my night stand, I was a little disappointed to see that it was a text from Ally not Camila.

She wouldn't tell me whats wrong and says shes fine.

Did she know I told you to check on her.

Nope, you told me not to tell.

Thank you so much Ally

I texted Camila and told her to keep me updated on how her day went as I walked down to see my mother cooking breakfast for my sister and I.


Camila's POV

I sat in my room and watched telenovelas until it was ready for rehearsals. Normally when we all traveled to a new city we would go out and explore. That's probably what everyone else was doing, I thought about joining but I figured it would be better to avoid everyone then force my presence.

Once it was time for me to leave my hotel room I walked to the lobby and got into a car that was behind a guy who had my name on a piece of paper. Great so now we all can't even take a car together. I spend most of the car ride texting Shawn and telling him what a great time I was having in Mexico. When we arrived to the venue I saw a bunch of fans and I put on my game face as my driver opened my car door. The small crowd roared with excitement, it put me in a genuine good mood, that and the Advil was just kicking in. I walked toward the door taking pictures with each fan that asked. Finally I reached the door to the venue as I opened it I waved to my fans and walked inside.

All the girls were standing on the stage sound checking giving me cold glances. The stage crew put a mic on me and I took my spot on stage. We ran through the whole set without any conversation between songs. Once we were finished everyone walked off stage to change into different outfits for the meet and greet without saying anything.

The meet and greet went smoothly and everyone continued giving me the silent treatment. Once we were finished I went to get changed into our stage outfits and sat in the green room alone while our opener preformed. A tall brunette man with a headset came to the room and told me the show started in 5. I got ready and walked onto the stage with all of the girls.

Everyone had their fake smiles plastered on their faces, this really fucked with my head. No one would talk to me during the day but then every night we would come on stage and act like bestfriends. I could not wait to get home, as much as I act like I resent him I honestly couldn't wait to see Shawn again.


Did you guys like me having Shawn's POV in the story or should I just stick to Camila? Let me know what you guys think. I'm also always open to suggestions- U.M.

Publicity Stunt (Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello)Where stories live. Discover now