Don't Let Me Down,

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((There's some mature topics continuing through out this book including drugs. So if that "triggers" you I would probably stop reading. I don't get too in depth but stop reading if it bothers you))

To Shawn:

Could we ever actually be friends?

I plugged my headphones in just in time to hear  a noise I was familiar with, indicating that my text had sent. Since I was in an obviously bad mood I put on my playlist entitled Blue. I had a playlist for almost every mood any human could possibly feel, listening to songs that reflect my feeling somehow helped me with my emotions. The first song that started to play was River Of Tears by Alessia Cara, the sad piano at the beginning was interrupted by a text notification.

Not if you always act like a bitch to me

Shawn, I'm trying to be serious I responded almost immediately. I needed to talk to someone so there was really no point in playing hard to get

Geeze, what the hell is wrong with you?

I don't know if I can do this anymore

Camila you know neither of us can get out of this contract, its not that bad.

I'm not talking about our fucking contracts.

Before I was "famous" I let people push me around and to deal with the anger I felt inside I would let my self fade away. I used to be so depressed, I felt worthless. In a small ring box next to my bed I had a collection of blades. I would never actually use them I just like the thought of them being there if I ever needed them. But then I met all the girls they helped me pull myself back together, I threw out my blades because I knew I would never need them again. Lauren was the only person that knew about my depression besides Jordan and now she was basically pushing me back to where I was four years ago.

Camila what are you talking about?

I can't do it  I typed as I opened my purse and pulled out a bottle of Advil and poured six of the blue pills into my hand. I threw my head back as the pills fell down my throat, I knew that six pills wouldn't be enough to do me any harm but at least I would feel good for an hour or two. Unhinged by Nick Jonas quietly played as my eyes began to feel heavy, finally I gave up and passed out.

I woke up feeling groggy to the feeling of the plane shaking, I jolted forward and looked out the window. The plane was just hitting the runway when I realized music was still playing as I clicked the home button and saw all of my notifications.

11 missed calls from Shawn. 18 from Jordan. 9 texts from Shawn. 4 from Jordan.

From Shawn:

Camila whats going on?

Are you okay?

Jordan told me about what when you were younger

Look Camila I was joking earlier we can be friends.

Mila you need to respond to me

I need to know you are okay

Cam I'm worried

please don't do anything stupid

i'm begging you

Jordan's text messages were basically the same thing except he was playing bad cop and threatening to tell my parents. That was a low blow. I texted them both back I'm fine just needed a nap which of course wasn't true at all but I'm sure it made them feel better.

From Shawn:

I'm picking you up from the airport next week.

Of course he was referring to my flight back to LAX after these shows. Fuck, I have to be here with people who hate me for a whole week. And on top of that I have to act like we are all good on stage. Awesome.

I was too tired to even argue with Shawn at this point so I just texted back fine. I was surprised to get a response from his so quickly.

FaceTime me as soon as you get wifi. I need to see if you're okay

Shawn I'm fine.

I'm not going to stop texting you until I see that you are okay.

I didn't respond to Shawn because I was too busy walking through the airport alone while the everyone else walked in front of me. My eyes were starting to well up with tears again until I saw a group of fans waiting for me at baggage claim. I hugged each of them and took pictures but I'm sure to them I seemed really out of it, probably because I was.

We finally reached the hotel after an almost silent car ride that was occasionally filled with the noise of Dinah's snores. I was sitting in the front seat so I got out of the car the quickest and headed straight to my room which was the farthest down the hall. I didn't even bother changing into my pajamas because I was too distracted by finding wifi so that I could get this FaceTime over with.  The FaceTime didn't even ring because Shawn answered it so fast.

"Hi," I said with a forced smile.

"What happened today," Shawn questioned as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Nothing. I'm fine."

"You're obviously not okay Camila."

"Shawn I said I'm fine," I said as a single tear streamed down my face. I looked into his concerned eyes and completely broke down. I'm not sure if Shawn understood anything I was saying but I tried to explain the whole situation.

"E-Everyone h-h-hates me," I sobbed hysterically.

"Come on you know that's not true," he tried to reassure me.

I continued to cry for I don't even know how long, the last thing I remembered thinking about was how much I wanted to be in Shawn's arms.


Okay so I tried to do a little something different, I made this chapter way longer than any of the others and tried to build some depth to the story. Should I keep making them this length or not? Id like to hear your guy's input. -U.M.

Publicity Stunt (Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello)Where stories live. Discover now