Chapter 1

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~two days later~


I woke up today is monday which means school day i got up and got ready its been two days since yuki's death and me becoming frozen but thats in the past.I got out of my room and walked down stairs i look around and saw taurtis looking out of the window.

"Taury are you okay?" i asked as i stand next to him looking out of the window "i dont know sam i been having flashback when i saw you all frozen...and yuki telling me that your were dead because...of me "he looked down.I grabbed his chin and made him look at me "look taurtis it's not your fault that i turned frozen.. It was my fault if i didnt ask you why you wear those gloves..none of this would have ever happen"i said to him "but am glad your safe and you are with me now...i love you my taury"i kissed him on the cheek and he blushed i giggled.

"Sam..why are you in love with a monster like me?"Taurtis said "taurtis and i love you because you were there for me but now am here for you..i want to help you with your powers"i said and hugged him.

"Awww soo cute" i turn around and saw grian and j fangirling or should i say fanboying "cutest couple ever!!" grian yelled i blushed " long were you guys standing there?" i asked them "since you guys were talking "j smiled "okay anyways we need to get to school"i said i grabbed my backpack and grabbed taurtis's hand and walked out of our house and locked the door.

"Hey guys!"i turned around and it was olaf "oh hey olaf what's up?" i asked "notthing just walking around" "okay wait did anyone see you?" i asked he nodded "did they try anything?" i asked agian "no" "okay good but we need to go to school see ya olaf"i said as i started to walk away. "see ya!" olaf yelled.

~skip time~

Yay we made it to school i walked to my locker and put my stuff away.


I started to walk to class i turn to taurtis who was shacking "Taurtis are you scared?" i asked "yes a little"he said as he looked at his hands i sighed "taurtis you dont need to be scared of anything am here so i can help you okay?" i kissed him on the cheek "i hope noone saw that"taurtis said "yeah"i said "but lets go to class" i grabbed taurtis's hand and walked to class.We made it to class and i see everyone looking at us i was confused but then i notice i was still holding taurtis's hand i blushed and pull away my hand then i heard awwws which made me blush more.Okami was walking towards us and asked "are you two dating?" "okami you were there when i asked sam to be my boyfriend"taurtis said "oh yeah sorry anyways go to your sits" we nodded and sat down on our sits "good morning class its been a little sad and happy i dont know but thats in the pa-" okami was cut off by domWOW "his still a monster "dom said taurtis looked down to his desk i growled "his not a monster dom!" i yelled at him "he is sam he froze your heart!"he yelled at me"I DON'T CARE I STILL LOVE HIM NO MATTER WHAT!"i yelled "THATS ENOUGH!"okami yelled me and dom stayed quiet.

I turn to look at taurtis he was crying quietly i sighed I grabbed his hand and he looked at me and smiled i smiled back i let go of his hand and looked at okami who was teaching us.

'today is going to be different but atleast i have my knife with me if anyone tries anything to my taury' i thought.

Hey mates well i hope you guys enjoyed this one i may update tomorrow or i dont know yet.

Byee mates :D

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