Chapter 5

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Grian POV

I was waiting for the bell to ring so i can met sam and talk about what he wants to talk about.


Yay its the bell everyone got up and went to the cafeteria i got up and grabbed my stuff then walked towards the cafeteria.I saw taurtis and j sitting in a table i didnt see sam maybe his waiting for me behind the school.

I went behind the school and saw sam standing against the wall and i walked towards him "hey sam why did you want to talk to me for?" i asked sam"i wanted to talk to you about j" he said i blushed "what about him?" "i know you like him" i blushed more "w-what pff no i don't like him" sam looked at me "dont lie to me grian" i sigh "fine i do like him so what?" i asked sam put his hand on my shoulder "tell him grian he is going find some how or someday"he said "but am scared"i said as i looked down "scared of what?" "being rejected..."i said. quietly .Sam sighed "look grian if he rejects you his missing out your awesome and he doesnot deserve you"sam said "yeah your right am going to tell him after school"i said sam smiled "lets go back" i nodded.

Taurtis POV

Okay now sam is talking to grian now is my turn "soo j do you like grian?" i asked him he looked at me and blushed "w-why are you a-asking m-me that?" he asked "just curious"i said "umm okay i like grian"he said shyly "did you tell him?" i asked him he shake his head no "you have to tell him some day or some how"i said he sigh "i know but am scared he is going to reject me"he said as he looked down "look j if he rejects you his missing out your awesome and he does not deserve you"i said he smiled "your right am going to tell him after school" i smiled "oh look its sam and grian"i said as i pointed at them "hey guys"sam said "hey" "taurtis can i talk to you in private?" sam asked me i nodded sam grabbed my hand and walked behind the school "whats up sam?" "Taurtis GRIAN LIKES J!!" sam yelled of joy "j likes grian"i said "omg.......they make a cute couple just like us "sam smiled "when is grian going to tell j he likes him?" i asked "after school what about j when is he going to tell grian he likes him?" sam asked the same question "after school" i said.Then i felt sam hugging me and a few tears roll down his cheek "sam why are you crying?" "because my two best friends are growing up so fast (wow sam is acting like a mother now xD) " i rolled my eyes and hugged him back.

We pull apart and sam pulled me for a kiss i was shocked at first then i started to kiss back his lips are so soft i put my hands on his waist and he put his arms around my neck.

We pull apart and look at eachother eyes "i love you my taury"sam said "i love you too my bunny boy"i said he smiled.


"Lets go to gym and i cant wait to see my two friends confessing to eachother" sam said as he smiled i giggled "what?" he asked "i never see you get so happy when someone is confessing there feeling to some one"i said "they are my friends so i should be happy" he said i smiled "lets go to gym"sam nodded . We started walk to gym.


Waahh school is almost here nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!.

Okay am done...for now :D

Byeee mates!! :D

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