Im Emily - and you are?

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Emily's POV:
I kissed my parents goodbye and ruffled Hermione's bushy hair - thank god I dodged that gene. "Bye 'Mione, I'll write soon I promise" I said giving her a hug. Well - bye then!" I pushed my cart, Midnight sitting on one of my suitcases. I pet my fluffy black cat and started looking for platform 9& 3/4. I spotted a family wearing some rather odd clothing and firey red hair. Deciding that's what wizards must dress like, I followed them to a wall. "Come on Fred and George, your brothers just went through - chop chop!" The lady said, gesturing to people who look like identical twins. They nodded and ran into a wall at the same time, completely vanishing. I stared in amazement, which obviously caught the woman's attention. A wash of worry crossed her face until she saw my trolley. "Hello dear!" She said merrily " Are you a first year". I nodded my head "Yes ma'am". "Mrs Weasley" she said happily, waiting for my reply. "Emily Granger" I said politely. "Well Emily you just need to run through that wall there and you'll end up at platform 9&3/4. I ran at the wall without a second thought and appeared infront of a large train. Mrs Weasley and a young boy came through almost straight afterwards. "Thanks Mrs Weasley" I grinned, waving goodbye as I picked up Midnight and gave my luggage to a worker. I boarded the train with my cat and my hand luggage, looking for a free cart. As I was looking I came across a cart with familiar ginger hair, quickly registering them as the Weasley twins. After a quick argument with myself I decided to go in. "Hi can I sit in here, I couldn't be bothered to find another cart" I said confidently. Both twins looked up at me at the same time. "Sure" one said. "I like her already the other said. I sat down by the door, placing Midnight on my right. "I'm Emily - and you are?". "Fred an-" "-d George" they said.

~~ I've just realised those last sentences are really confusing 😂 anyways I hope you like this new story! I've never done a fanfic based in the world of Harry Potter so this should be interesting! Btw the picture is of Emily~~

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