Christmas Holiday Crushes

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Time skips to Christmas in their first year <3

Emily's POV:
"I can't believe you persuaded your parents to let you come over!" George exclaimed, resting his arm on my shoulder as we walked. "I can't wait to meet the rest of the Weasleys!" I exclaimed giggling. I had heard so many interesting stories that I simply had to meet them for myself, I had only met Percy, Charlie and Bill as they were still at school, even though it was Bill's last year. "You're going to love them!" Fred added happily as we sat down at the table. "So what will you be doing Lee?" I turned to our other friend, who was picking at his egg. "I'm spending it with my family, as always" he sassed, making us all laugh. "You and your sass" I giggled. "Oh Queen Of Sass!" George started, "We bow down to you!" Fred finished. Lee gave them a look that clearly said 'stop'. "What did we do?" The twins said in sync. Lee shivered "Dont do that!" Lee complained. "Do what?" They said again. "That!" I retorted, completely on Lee's side this time. It was really creepy when the said words together. Rolling his eyes, Lee averted his eyes to a Hufflepuff girl sitting at the table infront. "Who ya looking at?" I asked. "That one girl with the big ti-" Lee began, making Fred and George turn to look too. "Ew, boys" I said before walking off, not wanting to hear about the girls... Things. Deciding to head over to my dormmates further down the Gryffindor table, I started to walk down the aisle. "Em!" Izzy Thomas shouted waving me over. I smiled as I saw all 3 of my roommates: Izzy Thomas, Lauren Longbottom and Somachi Patil. "Hey guys!" I greeted sitting next to Somachi. A chorus of greeting sounded around me. "So what are you doing for the holidays?" Lauren asked. "I'm going to France with my family. Don't ask" Somachi laughed "you?" She asked Lauren. "Oh you know, probably will go to the hospital with Gran and Neville" she muttered. I offered her a sympathetic smile whilst Izzy gave her a hug. "I'm staying at home, probably destroying my brother at Quidditch." Izzy laughed, she was one of the most Quidditch obsessed people I knew, and that was saying something. "What about you Em?" Somachi asked. "Wellllll I am going to Fred and George's house!" I laughed. Somachi giggled whilst Lauren and Izzy exchanged knowing looks. "What?" I replied defensively. "Nothingggg" Lauren grinned. "Oh you know just the fact that you like-" Izzy started. "You mean she is madly in love" Somachi added, causing Izzy to nod. "With one of those Weasleys" Izzy finished. "No I'm not!" I retorted confidently, but I felt my body betray me as heat rushed to my cheeks. "Maybe it's one of the twins!" Lauren giggled. "Or Charlie!" Somachi added with a dreamy sigh as she looked over at the Gryffindor chaser. "Or Percy!" Izzy suggested, causing the group to burst out laughing. "Yea- no" I giggled, wiping tears from my eyes. "Sure keep telling yourself that!" Somachi said sarcastically. "Fine! If we're on the term of crushes, it's you who is always sending googly-eyes over to Charlie!" I said to Somachi. "Am not!" She replied blushing. "You totally do" Lauren giggled. "Yeah well I'm not the one who's in love with Hufflepuff's pride and joy" Somachi said to Lauren, sticking her tongue out. "Yeah, what do you see in Diggory anyway?" Izzy asked. "He's perfect of course, but you wouldn't know cos you're too busy looking at Lee!" Lauren replied haughtily. All four of us sent each other hostile glares before collapsing with laughter. "Have a good Christmas girls" I laughed happily. I was met with a chorus of 'you too!' Before I left the table, back over to my best friends. "They're like the size of -" Lee ranted before I interrupted. "First of all Ew!" I said whacking Lee's head with the daily profit that was conveniently left on the side of his plate before turning to the twins "we have to get ready for the train, it's leaving in an hour" I added before walking towards the common room. 3 2 1 I thought in my head, before I heard 3 set of feet running after me. The twins surrounded me one either side, whilst Lee ran ahead. I shook my head laughing "Always on time"

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