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Emily's POV:
"LEEEEEEEEEEEE" I screamed, launching myself at my best friend. "EMILYYYYYYY" he copied, opening his arms. As we were hugging I whispered "I have a plan relating to that letter you sent me". He sounded confused "did I drunk-mail you?" He asked confused "because if it said anything related that was sexual I didn't mean it". I slapped his arm "no! The one relating to getting you a hot date! And what do you mean drunk- ARE YOU SNEAKING ALCOHOL YOUNG MAN!?" I shouted. Things hadn't been the same between lee and Hannah after the end of last year, after George messed shit up. Sad really, but now I could hook him up with Somachi, something I was incredibly excited about. The babies they'd make!
As we exited our hug the twins came up behind us.
"Ummm what's this supposed to be?" George coughed, crossing his arms. "A hug?" Lee answered unsurely.
"Without us?!" Fred shouted, fake crying "how could you!"
I rolled my eyes and pulled everyone towards me "GROUP HUG".

Once we'd found an empty train cart we all sat down, ready to discuss this years order of business. "So" Lee started "As always let's begin to plan our first prank of the year".
I sat there smugly grinning, producing a bag from my jean pockets. "Oooh" George sang, snatching it from my grasp.
"Hey! Give it back" I demanded, glaring at him. George ignored me, spilling out the contents of the bag.
"Holy mother of all things Zonkos" Fred breathed. Spread on the floor were some in-progress prank supplies that the twins had discussed the previous year during the holidays.
"They're not finished but the groundwork is there, I'll have to leave the rest for you two to work out" I laughed, sharing a look with Lee while the twins sat there speechless. "3, 2, 1" Lee mouthed, timing spot on.  At once the twins burst out with thanks, tripping over each other on the way to the other side of the carriage where I was sprawled out.
"Oof" I breathed, the air being punched out of me from the heavy weight of two gingers laid across my chest.
"Lee! Help me!" I shouted in mock distress, flailing my arms wildly. Without a response, Lee joined them in flopping on top of me, making me groan in distaste. "How long till I can get away from you guys again?".

I woke up from my nap to an argument between George and Lee, Fred still thoroughly looking over the pranks that lay on the floor.
"What's the meaning of life?"
"Not this again I swear to Merlin"
"It's serious! I just ca-"
"Shut up"
"For the love of all things good in the world can you stop!?"

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