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Emily's POV:
"I'll be back in a bit, I'm just going to check on H" I said to no one in particular, before standing up and exiting the common room. As I swiftly walked through the halls i pondered over why Hermione was holding a mirror of all things. Was she doing her hair as she went around the corner? Nah, she's never bothered with her hair, no one could tame that frizzy mane. Maybe Clearwater was asking her to hold it for her? No, Hermione would've just laughed at that. "Good afternoon Madam Pomfrey! Could I please see Hermione?" I asked the plump matron. "Yes of course dear, though are in mind there's half an hour 'till you need to be back in your common room" she replied, whilst tending to a nasty herbology accident. "Thanks ma'am" I said smiling. I walked over to Hermione and held her outstretched hand. "Oh H, why were you holding a mirror?" I sighed, resting my head on her hand. "Ow!" I said, wiping some blood off my cheek. "Wha-?" I whispered, looking at her hand. That felt like a paper cut... I stared at her hand, closely this time and I saw a little bit of parchment sticking out. Letting out a gasp, I gently prised the piece of paper from her hand and quickly read the extract.
The Basilisk....
"Of course!" I murmured "but how? .. oh! Pipes. Hermione you are too clever for your own good" I said giving her a kiss on her cheek, before leaving. I've got to get this to Potter.

As I ran through the halls I held the parchment close to me, desperate to get this to Harry and Ron as soon as possible. All you could hear was my footsteps echoing down the empty hall.
Step. Step. Step. Slither.
That wasn't me.
Step. Step. Step. Slither.
I forgot the mirror.
Step. Step. Step. Slither.
Oh no.
Step. Step. Slither.
The slithering was getting louder.
Step. Slither.
It's behind me.
In a moment of panic I glanced at the shiny copper candle holder clinging onto the stone brick wall.
Fat yellow eyes.

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