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Emily's POV:
"Well hi Fred and George" I giggled. "Have you ever been to Hogwarts before?" I asked. "Nope this is our first year" they said in sync. "Ookayyyyy that's sort of creeping me out" I nervously laughed. "Sorry I guess" Fred said "it's a twin thing" George finished. I rolled my eyes with a smile and continued to read Hogwarts: a history. I was determined to understand the houses before I got there. "Why are you reading that?" George asked, causing me to laugh. "I'm a, what do you call it - oh yeah! Muggle. I want to be able to understand the houses" I replied, causing them to gasp. "Well no problem there fair maiden!" They screamed, "We'll explain!". "Okay thanks guys" I laughed. "So first of all there's Slytherin - there's not a witch or wizard that hasn't gone bad that wasn't in Slytherin!" George declared. "So I don't want to be in Slytherin? Okay! Got it." I stated. "Then there's Ravenclaw - they're all really smart in that house" Fred carried on. Hmm wouldn't be bad to be in that house then. I nodded to show I was listening. "Then there's Hufflepuff - they're all really nice and I don't think they have any rivalry , even with Slytherin and that's saying something" George said. "That's seems like a nice house to be in" I said. "Yeah I guess, but we want to be in Gryffindor! The house of bravery! Charlie,Bill and Percy are in Gryffindor and we don't want to break the family streak." Fred and George shouted passionately. I laughed shaking my head "okay drama queens, from the noise you're making I wouldn't be surprised if someone thought you were being murdered."

Time skip to when the Hogwarts Express arrives.

"First years o'er 'ere!" A large man called. Fred and George looked at him with interest. Now Im normally very socially awkward - but no one around here knows that. I have a chance to recreate myself. The first thing I was going to do? Go up to the giant man... And say hello. This will be easy I thought to myself, trying to build up some confidence. With a big breath I walked up to the man. "Hello!" I said cheerily. The man looked down "Well 'Ello there, I'm guessing you're a first year?" He said happily. "Yes I am, my names Emily Granger, what's yours?" I said politely, putting my hand out in front of me for him to shake. He shook my tiny hand in his big one "me names Hagrid, pleasur to meet ya." Hagrid said. I smiled "Bye Hagrid" I called, getting in a boat with Fred, George and another person I didn't recognise. "Hi guys" I said gingerly sitting down on the seat on the boat. "Hey Em!" Fred and George said in sync. I laughed at their synchronised voices, it was going to take some getting used to. I turned to the boy next to me and smiled "Hi my name's Emily Granger, I see you're unfortunately stuck with them for this boat ride" I said pointing at the twins, gaining sounds of protest from Fred and George - earning a laugh from the boy in the process. "I'm Lee Jordan" he said loudly. The conversation on the boat ride was quite entertaining, especially when one of the boys from the boat in front of us fell in, making me burst into hysterics. By the time the boy had been pulled back onto the boat everyone was laughing their heads off. "Hey! Look it's the castle!" Lee shouted, pointing up at the looming building in front of us. "THIS is Hogwarts!?" I gasped "it looks like a magical castle! Actually never mind" I said, making the boys laugh. "You don't say!" Fred said. I gasped sarcastically "That is the first full sentence I've heard you say without George". George rolled his eyes at my sentence " We are separate people you know" I gasped again "you too!" I shook Lee's shoulder "it's not just me hearing this right?" I asked, majorly exaggerating my movements. Lee, playing along, also joined in. "Oh my god! I'm hearing it too!" He squealed. We all collapsed laughing. I think I was going to like it here.

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