I am the Chosen One...

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Emily's POV:
"Hey HP sauce" I said, climbing over the back of the common room sofa and sitting in between Ron and Harry - Hermione had removed herself from the group to do some more of the ridiculous mountain of homework she seemed to have piled up.
"Hey" they greeted.
I smirked, an idea forming in my head. Quickly I snatched Harry's glasses and put them on me.
"Hey there are kids here!"
"Oh sorry"
"So? What do you think?"
"Jesus Harry you're as blind as a bat" I laughed.

I put them on my head to escape the fuzzy mess that my vision had become

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I put them on my head to escape the fuzzy mess that my vision had become.
"Well Harry's basically blind" Ron replied "they suit you surprisingly well".
"Why thank you kind sir".
"OI FRED! Your girlfriends stolen my glasses!" Harry shouted across the room. A snort was heard in reply as the twins came rushing over.
"Let's see them on then" George chuckled, pushing the specs back onto my face.

"Hey hey hey!" I squealed in protest, playfully smacking the twins' heads

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"Hey hey hey!" I squealed in protest, playfully smacking the twins' heads.
"I'm wounded!" Fred cried out, clutching his head as if receiving a fatal blow.
"Emily - please get rid of - the scrolls - under my bed" George wheezed, collapsing to his knees.
"Ewww. I don't even wanna know what's on them" I said, scrunching my nose up in disgust.
Harry sniggered, clumsily reaching up to my face and taking back his glasses, leaving with Ron.

"Where's Lee?" I asked, realising the excitable goofball was missing.
"Ohhhhh. Well that's actually what Georgie and I were gonna come ask you about" Fred replied, taking my hand and sitting on the sofa.
"Yea- we had a theory. Wanna hear it?" George added, sitting on my other side.
"Sure why not" I laughed in response, seeing their faces light up, before quickly switching to evilly cunning.
"First theory : he's getting laid" George sniggered, causing me to scream protests, not wanting to think about him... yea.
"Highly unlikely though, so we thought of Theory Two : he's with Somachi" Fred cut in, halting my screams.

"Plan LeesGettingLaid a-go" George whisper yelled, acting like a spy pressing himself against the hallway walls.
"We are not calling the mission that" I said in disgust, folding my arms across my chest.
"Fine" Fred sighed "what about Plan LeeIsNotGettingLaid" he winked.
I replied with silence, giving the two gingers the best death stare I could (which I'm proud to announce made them shiver).
"Orrrrr we could call it Plan LeesMarriage" George replied in a hopeful voice, trying to think of a mocking name that was 'appropriate'.
I smiled at him. "Well done Georgina I'm proud" I chuckled, patting his head.
"Hey wait a sec-"
I started jogging down the hall, beginning our hunt for Lee, Fred and George following behind me.

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