This is some dramatic shiz

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Emily's POV:
"Wow. Okay. HP is hit in the head, there's students, a cat and a ghost petrified, everyone thinks HP is the heir of Slytherin AND I lost my favourite bag! This is some dramatic shiz. I feel like I'm in a movie right now" I said as we walked down the hall. "Omg imagine if we were!" Lee exclaimed "I'd be the main character obviously". "Nuh-uh!" Fred complained. "Obviously the handsome twins would" George added. "What handsome twins?" Lee and I said in sync. "OI!"

Lee's POV:
I swiftly pulled Fred aside, letting Emily and George carry on ahead. "Yes Jordan?" Fred asked, looking at me expectantly. "I want to talk to you about Johnson" I said slowly. "Uh - what about her?" Fred replied cautiously. "Well - you're supposed to be 'dating' her and you haven't talked in forever! Do I sense you like someone else?" I sang, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively. Hopefully my plan worked and he was second guessing Angelina. "Well- ... no! Angie's just been busy... yeah" Fred answered before running off to rejoin the others, leaving me smirking victoriously.

Emily's POV:
"So how have the Weasley products been coming along?" I asked George. "Really well! With that book you showed us we've managed to work out how to make our firework prototypes. We're gonna be rich!" George replied passionately, grinning from ear to ear. "That's great. Oh - hey almost forgot! You've got another quidditch match tomorrow right?" I asked him. "Yep, we're gonna smash them, I'm guessing you're gonna be there commentating - we need someone to tell Fred and I apart" George joked. "Hey guys what did we miss?" Fred asked as he rejoined the group, Lee close behind him. "Everything" I replied, at the same time George said "Nothing" making everyone laugh.

~~~~next day~~~~

"Let's win this!" Fred shouted as the Gryffindor team ran towards the pitch, Lee and I in close pursuit - trying to get to the commentators box before everyone started arriving. "Damn you guys are fast" I laughed as I struggled to keep up. As we neared the pitch my smile was instantly wiped off my face. "Games cancelled" McGonagall announced, before turning around to me "Granger, Weasley, Potter... you ought to come with me" she said, before swiftly walking off. "I'll catch up with you later" I said concernedly to Lee and the twins before running after McGonagall.

"This might come as a shock" the Professor said as we entered the infirmary, pulling open one of the curtains surrounding a bed. And just like that my world came crashing down.

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