Back together again

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Lee's POV:
After a night of no sleep, it was the end of year feast. Emily was yet to wake up, along with all of the other petrified students - and going to the feast without her just didn't feel right.  "Come on then boys" George called, as we walked out of the common room, Fred completely blanking Angelina on his way out.

As we listened to the end of term speech, the doors creaked open and in came all of the petrified victims. I looked anxiously for Emily - but she hadn't turned up. Confused, I decided to ask Hermione. "Yo, frizz ball, where's Em?" I asked, getting a shake of her head in return. Me, being the good best friend I was, immediately dashed to the infirmary thinking the worst.

"Madam Pomfrey with all due respect I just want to sleep!"
"For goodness sake child you've been sleeping for over a month"
"I'm sleepy!"
"Get up now!"
"Of course" I laughed, walking into the room. "Lee!" She squealed with excitement rushing over to hug me. "That gets her up" madam Pomfrey sighed rolling her eyes.
"You worried me to death!" I shouted, lightly hitting her shoulder "Come on, it's the end of the year feast thingy".

Emily's POV:
It felt so weird to be walking again, it was as if I hadn't used my legs in ages... never mind. Lee ran ahead of me and sat back down at the Gryffindor bench as I braced myself to walk back in. As soon as I stepped through the door I heard George let out a large squeal and rush over to me, devouring me into a hug. "Hey George" I giggled.
"You're up sleeping beauty!" He replied, dragging me over to the bench with him. As we neared our seats, I saw Fred who was looking at me rather strangely.
"Hi" I awkwardly waved. He just stared as if in disbelief for a few moments, before he silently stood up and before I knew it, his lips were on mine...

Fred was kissing me.

Really well.

Oh, there's the scream from Angie.

I was kissing back.

Maybe being petrified wasn't the worst thing in the world

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