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Emily's POV:
"Soooo you and Lee huh?" I smirked, winking at Somachi.
"Don't even start emily" she sniggered, throwing a pillow at me.
"But it's true right? Emily told us everything she saw-" Lauren began
"Minus some details she said were 'Lees business'" interrupted Izzy.
Somachi looked interested by this and turned to me as if to ask for more information. "Nah, nope, I am bound to secrecy" I stated, lifting my head up as if to show my 'status'.
"Fine" she huffed, crossing her arms.

"What is going on with you and Fred?" Izzy asked, all of us now gathered on her bed.
"Yeah you say you're together but you don't actually seem like anything's changed" Lauren added, waving her wand and absentmindedly controlling the origami birds that flew above us.
I let out an awkward chuckle, rubbing my hands over my face and groaning. "I don't know, he just hasn't done anything yet. He didn't even really ask me out properly. I mean we've kissed a couple times but... i don't know" I frowned at the doubt that now swamped my mind, as my friends continued to discuss around me.
"One of us could ask him" Lauren said.
"I don't think that's the be- Okay she's gone" I groaned, falling back onto the bed.
Turning to Somachi I let out a sigh, "I didn't really get a choice there did I?"
"Nope" she giggled.

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