The rogue bludger

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Emily's POV:
"Hi Oliver!" I said running up to him. "Oh hey Em" he replied smiling "I have news. Rumour has it that Freya Hoffal finally likes me!". "Oliver that's great news! Go for it" I replied excitedly. "How are we gonna stop this 'relationship'?" Oliver said awkwardly. "Oh that's easy, well just say we both agreed to be friends. Done" i said smiling "though we'll need to make it a scene so that it spreads and everyone knows so that Freya gets the news" I giggled. With the plan ready, Oliver and I walked outside of the hall, to near the entrance way and stood opposite each other. "Look, Em I just really like this other girl and I didn't want to say anything to hurt your feelings - I just see you more as a friend" Oliver said loudly, gaining some people's attention. "Ah, don't sweat it, I've been seeing the way you look at her. It's cute. Good luck with that" I replied laughing. "Friends?" Oliver said sheepishly. "Yeah" I replied, shaking his hand. "See you around!" I called before turning around and walking away.

"Welcome back everybody to Slytherin VS Gryffindor!" Lee boomed, "and what lovely weather we're having - I hope you can sense the sarcasm. Let's welcome on the teams! As you can see the Slytherin teams have the new brooms Nimbus 2001 - the newest Nimbus build that is yet to come out. No doubt Malfoy provided them the cheating git-"
"Sorry professor"
"And here comes the Gryffindor team, whooo!" I cheered, along with the other houses who were desperate for Slytherin not to win (excluding Slytherin, they made sure their boos and hisses were heard).
"And off we go! Woah, close call there Potter, attacked by a bludger already - good dodging there! Sent right back towards Pucey by a Weasley" Lee shouted.
"George" I added.
"Yeah yeah, whatever. Johnson streaking towards the goalposts, and ah- cut off by a bludger. Tough luck there Angie. Pucey in possession, passed to Montague... and he scores... 10-0 to Slytherin. COME ON GRYFFINDOR DONT LET ME DOWN" Lee screamed.
"I think Lee needs a moment to calm down. Abbott takes the Quaffle, quickly zooming past the Slytherins and OH! Quaffle taken by Flint, who passes to Pucey - who dodges a bludger sent by Fred - who then throws back to Flint who scores! 20-0 to Gryffindor." I said
Little time skip.
"Slytherin lead, 60-0, those broomsticks are definitely doing their job - that's for sure. And one of the Weasleys has asked for a time out!" Lee announced.
After a few minutes the Gryffindor team remounted their brooms "and we're off! Pucey in possession of the Quaffle, intercepted by Spinnet - yes girl! - ah, intercepted by Flint who passes to Pucey who shoots... fantastic block by Wood! Gryffindor back in possession. And what's that - Potters been hit by a bludger. Ouch, that looks painful" Lee cringed.
"I think Potters seen the snitch! And he's got it, oh - OH! Someone catch him!" I screamed, watching in horror as he fell off his broom. Alas, no one could catch him.

"Really, hurt yourself again HP?" I sighed quietly.

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