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Lee's POV:
"Didn't Emily say she'd be back by now? It's almost curfew" I asked the twins. "When do we ever listen to curfew?" George laughed. "Yeah, it's not like this is the first time Em has been a bit late. Chill out Lee" Fred added. "But still! You'd think with a monster on the loose she'd be more punctual" I complained. Fred opened his mouth to reply when McGonagall stormed in. "We have some new rules!" She shouted, before going into a monologue about what we should and shouldn't do. "Jordan, Weasleys, come with me" the professor said before walking out of the room. We walked in silence, the twins and I mouthing to eachother. 'What's Happening?' I mouthed. 'Maybe it's about the swallowing toilet?' George replied. 'Or the glitter tap' Fred added.

"Now boys, I warn you this is not what you think you're here for" she said, before opening the door to the infirmary. My eyes looked around confused for a few moments before my eyes locked on one person. "Emily!" I cried out, running towards her bed. "WHAT!?" Fred shouted, charging after me. "HOW!?" George screamed. "She was found in the hallway, on her way back from visiting Hermione. Madam Pomfrey said she heard her say something about having to tell Mr. Potter something. Do you have any idea what that could be?". "No" I replied, shaking my head. "Okay, well. I'll give you five minutes then I'll have to walk you back" she said, walking over to the other side of the room. "Emily?" Fred whispered, staring at her frozen face. If the situation was less... grim, I probably would have awwed. As I went to held her hand I felt some paper. I pulled it out of her grip and looked over to the twins. "Hey guys, I think I found what she needed to give to Potter" I said, waving the paper in the air.

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