'This stings like a bitch'

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Emily's POV:
I was finally getting used to being back at school, I mean you usually do after 2 weeks. "March on!" I shouted, jumping on Fred's back. "Yes ma'am!" He shouted, walking faster as I piggy-backed. "Oh! I wanna do that too!" George shouted. "Yeah! Fred's your twin so you should give me the piggyback." Lee exclaimed before jumping on George's back. "Oof! You weigh a ton. Lay off the cauldron cakes goddamit" George muttered, before walking quickly to catch up with Fred and I. As the four of us walked down the corridor we attracted many weird stares - after all 4 forth years weren't normally seen roaming the halls on a Saturday morning having piggy-back races. I'd like to think we were a first.

"What the hell are you doing?" Angelina asked as we rounded the corner. Fred stopped dead in his tracks and let go of my legs, leaving me to slowly slide down his back, landing on the floor. "We - uhh- piggybacking?" Fred stammered, his face rivalling his hair colour. "Awkward" Lee whistled, jumping from George's back. "Well... whatever you were doing, I was just going to say that I really enjoyed our date over the summer. We should do it again" she said winking at Fred, sending me a quick cocky glance and walking away. "Guys did you hear that!? She wants to date me!" Fred squealed. I just stood there with my arms crossed. "What?" Fred said, seeing all of our stony expressions. "When were you going to tell us about this?" Lee asked angrily. "Yeah, we deserve to know our best friend is dating!" I added. We all turned to George who just looked upset. "You didn't even tell me. I'm your twin for gods sake" George said emotionlessly. I didn't hear any more of the conversation as I walked away back towards the comfort of my dorm room.

I grabbed the ukele from my suitcase and starting strumming, just letting my feelings out - making sure no one was around.

"wow" Lee said, sitting on the edge of the bed. "H-how did you even get up here?" I asked. "I had some help... I forced a first year to hold my hand on the way up and apparently it works" Lee answered truthfully. "Perv" I laughed, shoving his shoulder. "Aayyy! Don't touch the treasure!" Lee mock-screamed, making me giggle. "Now there's my best friend! What was with the sad song?" Lee asked "- wait. OHHHHHH IT makes so much sense now! HOW CAN I BE SO BLIND" Lee shouted. "What!?". "You like Fr- ahhh" Lee exclaimed, before I cut him off with a swift jab to the abdomen. "Don't say it that loud" I hissed "you've clearly been taking stupid lessons since I saw you last!"

 "Don't say it that loud" I hissed "you've clearly been taking stupid lessons since I saw you last!"

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"Wha - why can't I say it out loud" Lee asked dumbfounded. "PEOPLE MIGHT HEAR YOU DIMWIT" I screeched. "Okay okay jeez!" Lee defended. I sighed and sat back on my bed. "How long have you liked him?" George asked. "Uhhhh- ummmm. Since... last year?" I said. "Ouch." Lee whistled. "It stings like a bitch. I don't get it. It's not like I'm dating Fred" I sighed, resting my head on Lee's shoulder. "It's because you want to date him. It's ok. GIVE therapist Jordan a hug" Lee said, engulfing me into his arms. I laughed into his chest, making him squirm "that tickles!". "Look - if it makes you feel any better I don't like Angelina. I keep thinking she's only trying to be with Fred because he's in our little group, and I gotta say, we are quite famous around here" Lee said wiggling his eyebrows "She keeps trying to make him into someone he's not". I nodded in agreement, flopping back onto my bed. "Oh well, guess she's won".
"Who says she's won?" Lee said with an evil smirk.

"No Lee I don't like where you're going with this!" I protested as he stood up.
"You have no say in this matter!" Lee exclaimed before rushing out of my dorm and down the stairs, landing with a loud bump. "Forgot they would turn into a slide" a muffled shout came from downstairs "I'm fine!".

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