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Emily's POV:
I repeatedly hit George on the arm until he was begging for mercy, whilst cradling his bruised arm. "You'd be a good beater if we weren't filling the spots" Fred laughed as George started stroking his hurt arm. "Yeah, thanks" I laughed. "So prank number one? I say we should do it on the Slytherins" Lee said with an evil smirk. "YASS!" I shouted happily. "Oi! Guys I totally forgot, you know that guy Em made us help?" George said. "It was HARRY POTTER!" Fred shouted. "Cool" I simply said. "You're not surprised!?" Lee asked incredulously. "Nah, I'm trying to think of how we could prank the Slytherins" I replied thoughtfully, tapping my chin. They all looked at me with shocked faces. "Uh, Emily I don't think you heard. They met Harry Potter" Lee said slowly, as if explaining something to a toddler. "Yeah, so. The poor boy isn't something you stare at in the zoo" I shrugged. The boys just laughed at me and joined in brainstorming. "Umm. OH! I have an idea!" George screamed. "What?" Fred asked urgently. "We could put tomato sauce over Quirrel's turban!" George laughed.

The feast had finished ages ago, and Hermione had got into Gryffindor which she was so happy about. But now, we were focusing on the prank. "Okay so George and I will set off the swamp here" fred said, pointing to the eastern corridor on the Mauraders map. "Then we will use this passage to get to the northern corridor whilst Emily and Lee throw dung bombs in the southern corridor." George carried on, using very exaggerated hand movements. "Okay" Lee and I said together. I let out a large yawn, stretching out on the sofa. "See ya tomorrow boys" I said with a wink and walked off to my dorm room. When I arrived Izzy Lauren and Somachi were all fast asleep. "Stop it.. Not the ketchup" Lauren muttered in her sleep. I giggled and quickly changed into my pajamas before falling into a deep sleep.

"Come back 'ere!" Filch bellowed. Lee and I swiftly slipped into the passage that led back to the Gryffindor common room before bursting into fits of laughter. "The twins should be here in, well about... Now" Lee said. As soon as he finished the twins scrambled through the tunnel before collapsing with giggles. "Did you - see his - FACE!?" Fred screamed. "He looked - constipated" George shouted. "Ahem" Oliver said, looking over the two gingers. "Quidditch. Now" he growled. At the tone of voice he was using the two boys shot up and immediately ran to get their brooms. When the twins were out of sight Oliver turned to Lee and I. "I'm guessing my two favourite commenters will be doing the job at the first game?" Oliver said. "You betcha" Lee replied while I just nodded. "We just need a seeker" Oliver mumbled before walking off. "I've got to go to see Hannah" Lee said. "Mhmmm. When are you going to introduce me Lee? Don't want to scare your girlfriend away do ya?" I teased wiggling my eyebrows suggestively. "Urgh whatever" Lee mumbled before walking off. I chuckled shaking my head before walking off to find the girls.

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