The 1st stage is denial

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Emily's POV:
"I KNEW IT!" Somachi screamed as I walked into our room. "Knew what?" I said innocently, silently cursing my cheeks for being red. "You do like one of the Weasleys!" Lauren said. "No I don't!" I exclaimed, walking out of the room. The three girls followed behind me, delighted at the gossip. "Yes you do! Don't deny it" izzy said. I whipped around at the bottom of the staircase to face them. "Fine, I like Percy" I lied. "Yes?" Percy said from behind me. "Uh- NOTHING!" I stammered, punching Somachi's arm as she collapsed with laughter. "Okayyy" he said walking away. "Well done you guys!" I said with fake enthusiasm

"Well it's obviously not Percy!" Lauren complained

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"Well it's obviously not Percy!" Lauren complained. "Yeah he's too smart and studious for you!" Izzy added. "And don't forget boring" Somachi laughed. "Okay, first of all excuse me! YOU think he's too smart for me? RUDE! Secondly, it is Percy - so there" I said sassily, before sashaying away. "THE FIRST STAGE IS DENIAL!" Izzy screamed after me. I ignored her shouts and walked out of the common room entirely, before bumping into someone. "Ah, sorry!" I apoligised as I stood up. "Ew a Gryffindor" a voice said. "Oh... wait. Greasy hair, untidy robes... yep - ugly face. You must be a Slytherin" I commented. "Finnic Zabini to you, stupid mudblood." The guy spat. Without another word I slapped his face "there, might make you look prettier!" I said, storming off. As soon as I got round the corner I sat down in one of the alcoves, tears started falling down my face. What a vile thing to say.

"Oh my gosh are you okay!?" Someone said

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"Oh my gosh are you okay!?" Someone said. I looked up to be met with the concerned face of Hannah Diggory, a hufflepuff and twin of Cedric Diggory. "Yeah! I'm fine!" I replied, wiping tears from my face and putting on a fake smile. "No you're not. I'm Hannah Diggory by the way" she said, offering me her hand. "I'm Emily Granger" I replied smiling, shaking her hand. "Oh! You're one of Lee's best friends right?" She asked. "Yep" I laughed "and he talks about you WAY too much". "No he doesn't! Really?" She exclaimed.

"Yeah" I laughed, standing up and dusting myself off

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"Yeah" I laughed, standing up and dusting myself off. "Anyway, IT was nice meeting you" I said smiling "but I'd better be getting back". "Oh okay, see you around!" She replied before walking towards the Hufflepuff common room. I kept my smile on until she disappeared from sight and sadness swept over my features again. I guess I'd have to just go back to the common room. I decided to be lazy and use the passage that brings you out right next to the fat lady. "Liquorice Wand" I said, before hopping through the door. I ignored the twins' and Lee's calls and carried on up the girls stairs, when they transformed into a slide. "AAAAAH!" I screamed. Fred was stood with a smug smile, foot touching the staircase. The boys picked me up and carried me towards the sofa in the common room. "Gerroff!" I grumbled. "What happened?" Lee demanded. "When?" I asked stupidly. "Just now, you look like someone died" George pointed out. "Nothing! Just something someone said" I defended. "Emily" Fred sternly. "Zabini called me a... mud blood" I whispered, refusing to tear up infront of them. I haven't cried before them in the 3 years I've been here, I'm not gonna ruin that now. "That absolute dic-" Fred shouted, interrupted by Percy punching his shoulder. "No swearing in the common room" he said snootily. "I'm so sorry dear Percy. We're just sort of angry because Finnic FUC- ahem Zabini called our darling Emily a... you-know-what!" George shouted. "That's disgusting! I shall take points from Slytherin in the morning!" Percy exclaimed. "Thanks Perce" I mumbled. He just nodded and walked off. "I shall string his balls from the top of the owlery whilst he owls devour his pea brain. Then I'll deposit his body in the Black Lake. I'm sure the giant squid would love the meal." Lee snarled through gritted teeth. "It's fine guys" I laughed weakly "I'm going to bed".

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