Truth or Dare

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Emily's POV:
I finally found them huddled in a corner of the Gryffindor common room. "Hey guys!" I shouted as I plopped down in the seat next to Somachi. "Hey" they replied in sync. "Whatcha doing?" I asked. Izzy turned to me with an evil grin "Truth or Dare". "Wanna join?" Lauren asked. "Sure!" I laughed.

"So Somachi, who do you like?" Lauren asked grinning, as Somachi blushed a deep scarlet. "Uhmm- no one.." she said, earning flares from all of us. "Fine! I like Lee" she said, looking at me as if saying don't tell him. "I won't tell" I laughed, only to be cut off by Izzy. "Don't laugh Em, it's your turn to say who you like now!" Izzy said. "Fine, I sorta maybe like Oliver Wood" I said hiding my face behind my hands. "Awww" Lauren said disappointed. "What?" I asked confused. "We thought you like Fred!" Somachi said annoyed. "No? He's one of my best friends" I replied. "Yeah we know that, but earlier on in the year you started blushing when we said that you liked a Weasley." Lauren moaned. "Ah, about that" I giggled blushing. "What!?" Izzy asked excitedly. "I'm not telling who it was, but I'm over it now" I said cheekily.

"My legs feel like-" "they're going to fall off!" The twins complained as they collapsed onto a sofa in the middle of the common room. "Oh yeah? Too exhausted to prank Filch?" I asked grinning. "Yeah" they said in unison. "Wow, you must be really tired!" Lee exclaimed, throwing himself next to Fred. "I hope you're not thinking of doing another prank, you keep loosing points for Gryffindor, and I find it really selfish" Hermione said snootily. "Aw shut up H! We hardly ever get caught" I said staring my sister down. She walked off with a huff. "Real pleasure your sister is" George stated. "Ron sure seems to think so too" I replied teasingly. "Wa- really!?" Lee said awestruck. "Yeah, teasing is like, the way first years flirt. I see it all the time" I said, and for some reason Fred started blushing. "Oh! Fred has a crush! Who could it be?" Lee shouted jumping up and down in his seat. "Oh! Tell us Freddy Boy!" George shouted. "SHUT UP!" Fred screamed slapping his hands over the boys' mouths. "So who is it Fred?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows "Who did you used to tease?". "Fine" Fred sighed "Angelina Johnson". "I can see it now!" George shouted dramatically. "Shut upppp" Fred groaned, sinking back into the sofa. "They'll be together forever!" Lee declared. I rolled my eyes and face palmed. "Why am I friends with these nutters?" I mumbled.

"I HEARD THAT!" The three screamed

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"I HEARD THAT!" The three screamed

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