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Emily's POV:
As we all got off the train Fred pulled me aside "Look, about the kiss..." he trailed off, looking at the ground.
I smiled shyly and gently nudged his arm, "It's ok. I liked it" I giggled before running over to my parents, leaving him behind, mouth gaping open. "WAIT, WHAT?" He shouted, in reply I sent him a wink and turned around, not before I saw Fred jump in victory.
"What on earth was that about?" Hermione asked, quizzically looking at Fred and George who were leaping around their parents, grabbing a lot of attention from the hoard of people crowding the platform. I smirked at Hermione but didn't answer, leaving her to question me the whole ride home.

Dearest Emily,
'Tis I your most loving best friend. Have I told you how radiant you look before? No? Well I am now.

I would like to ask a favour of you, you beautiful person you.

Could you try hook me up with one of your girls. Ya know, ya girlie group.

Would be most appreciated

I laughed at his letter, I knew from the opening sentence he needed a favour. But who to pair him up with...

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