Woah Hazza! (Fourth Year)

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Lee's POV:
I frantically ran towards the Hogwarts express, trying to drag along my cart and navigate through the sea of people whilst looking out for Emily. Multitasking was not my thing. "Lee!" I heard a voice call. "Emily?" I asked in shock. Looking at the girl in front of me, it was hard to believe that she was the girl that I had said goodbye to 6 weeks ago. She had shot up and now reached my chin, as well as longer red hair. "Lee it's so good to see you" she shouted hugging me. She abruptly pulled away and smacked my arm "You promised you'd meet me over the summer". "I'm sorry!" I replied trying to move my arm away from the oncoming slap-storm.

Emily's POV:
Lee and I jumped onto the train and set off to find an empty carriage, coming across Ginny on the way. "Hey Ginny!" Lee and I said in sync. I gave her a hug whilst Lee just waved. "You excited to go to Hogwarts?" I asked smiling. "Yeah it's gonna be so cool! I've got to go to my friends now though, bye you guys" Ginny said before running into a compartment, leaving Lee and I to carry on with our quest. After about a minute spent walking down the halls of the train Lee and I were ready to accept defeat as we came across a familiar brunette. "Woah Hazza!" Lee exclaimed "didn't know you had a sex change!" I added. The brunette turned around "in sorry who's Hazza?" She asked innocently. "Oh my gosh we're so sorry! I didn't realise - I thought - you look like someone else we know" Lee stammered as I face-palmed leaning against the wall. "Oh- okay well I'd better be going. See you around!" The girl said before running off. "Oh my god you imposile i can't belie-" i laughed, before falling into an open carriage door. "Ouch" i groaned rubbing my back "well I found an empty carriage!". "I'm sorry you were saying?" Lee chuckled, sitting on the seat next to the floor where I fell. "Smartarse" I said rolling my eyes. I got off of the floor and sat on the seat next to the window. I took this time to look at how much I had changed. I had grown a lot taller and my hair had now grown past my boobs - that's right - I finally have something there. High five for me! No? Okay.

"Hogwarts Hogwarts hoggy hoggy Hogwarts teach us something please" I quietly sang under my breath as I got into the black carriages that would take us to the school. Lee and I were having a conversation as two others boarded and the carriage set off. "Ah-" Lee sighed, seeing who had got on. "Weasleys" I nocholantly greeted, before turning back to the conversation I was having with Lee about Hermione's ridiculous ideas on 'elf sufferage'. "I managed to tell her to not do it, or speak about it for that matter and thankfully she agreed, dunno how long that will last though" I ranted, rubbing my temples. My whole summer was listening to Hermione drone on about different animal and magical creature's rights. I hadn't even got a response back from Lee when one of the Weasleys interrupted. "You know guys, I really hate fighting" Fred muttered, loudly enough for us to hear. "Oh too bad. It's sad how SOME people would only like apologies to make everything better" Lee said loudly, faking sadness. "Ah yes, tragic" I agreed. "Look, guys I'm really sorry" Fred said. "Oh, we forgive you Fred. I guess George still hates us" I sighed, dramatically doing a maiden pose. "The tragedy." Lee nodded sadly. "IM SORRY OKAY GUYS" George shouted. Lee and I bursted out laughing. "We have our bestfriends back!" Lee shouted happily, before his face washed with confusion "what were their names again?". "Oh Lee, you don't remember their names. Shame on you. It's Gred and Forge!" I replied with a straight face.
"STAHP" the twins shouted, rolling around with laughter.

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