Im VIP biatches

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Emily's POV:
I really needed to stop feeling so jealous all the time. A few days ago I felt nothing for Fred, but now he's all I can think about. It's rather odd actually.

I shook my head and carried on walking to Charms with my friends. "-seen Filches face! He looked like a toad" George sniggered. "Nevilles toad!" Fred added. I rolled my eyes but smiled at their childlike attitude. "Good morning Weasleys, Granger, Jordan" Flitwick greeted. "Morning Professor" I replied happily, before seating myself next to Lee and infront of the twins. "Okay so I think that's everyone! Today we will be learning the seize and pull charm!" Flitwick said cheerfully. "That'll be great for pranks" Lee whispered. "Yeah we could pull Filch into the girls bathroom" I laughed quietly. "Wands down and repeat after me, Carpe Retractum." Professor Flitwick instructed, earning a chorus of incantations around the room. "Excellent! Now the wand movement is quite whip-like" he said. "Like a cowboy! Cool!" Someone shouted, making me laugh. "I suppose so, yes Ms Patil" Flitwick answered. I snorted, making eye contact with Somachi who looked like she was going to burst out with laughter any second.

"IM SO TIRED!" Lee yelled. "Well, you wouldn't want to fall asleep tomorrow, FIRST QUIDDITCH MATCH OF THE SEASON. We're going against Slytherin. Will my favourite commentators be there?" Oliver Wood said popping up behind us. "Of course! It's our job after all" I joked. "Yeah, and we get some of the best seats too" Lee added "but Em is just my +1. Everybody knows that". I slowly turned around so that I was fully facing Lee. "I'm nobody's plus one. I'm VIP bitches!" I said with a serious face, before we all burst out laughing.

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