Operation: 'Cupid' Jordan

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Emily's POV:
"Lee Jordan you come here right now!" I shouted. After a few seconds of lying on my bed I realised that he was probably going to do something stupid. I rushed down the stairs, desperately searching for him in the common room, before spotting him standing by Oliver Wood. "Lee!" I shouted storming over there. "What in hell do you think you are doing!" I hissed in his ear, before turning to Oliver with a smile "hi Oliver!". "I'm starting plan: 'cupid' Jordan." Lee quietly replied. "And what does that involve?" I asked cautiously. "This" Lee said grinning evilly.

"So Oliver I heard that you are single" Lee said. Nononononononono! I swiftly elbowed Lee in the gut, causing him to grunt in pain. "Yeah I am... but sorry Lee I don't swing that way" Oliver replied awkwardly. I burst out laughing whilst Lee desperately tried to explain what he meant. "N-No! Not - ugh Emily help me out here!" Lee wailed as I fell to the floor almost crying with laughter as I denied helping him. "Uh- oohhhh sorry mate" Wood laughed, patting Lee's back. "What I was trying to say was, do you have your eye on anyone?" Lee said wiggling his eyebrows. "Eh- I might have" wood replied. "Lee shut up" I said seriously, my laughter now gone. "Well I have a proposition to get you the girl of your dreams!" Lee announced. "I'm guessing from Emily's stony expression it's something to do with her" Oliver chuckled. "Yep. You like someone, she likes someone - so use the jealousy route!" Lee exclaimed grinning, seemingly very happy with himself. "And you'd wanna do this?" Oliver asked me incredulously. I just shrugged. "Well I'd be up for it I guess - if you are that is" Oliver said. "Okay, I guess we're really doing this then huh?" I laughed shakily. Lee started jumping up and down clapping his hands like a little child. "Awe you two are such a cute fake couple!" Lee squealed. I turned to Oliver "well, it's times like these that im not suprised you thought he might be gay" I laughed. "GURRRL DONT GO THERE!" Lee screamed. "Point proven" Oliver chuckled in response.

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