First day of Winter Holidays

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"Bye!" I shouted, waving off my other friends who were leaving for the holidays, giving Hermione a hug goodbye. Once they had all left I turned back to Lee and the twins with a huge grin. "This is gonna be so cool! Like an extended sleepover!" I squealed jumping up and down. "Ohmygosh yes! We can paint each other's nails and gossip whilst we do each others hair" Lee screamed - pretending to be a girl. "I'm gonna get changed into my onesie" I laughed.

"That is a cool onesie" George chuckled. I squeaked in surprise at the sudden noise.

 I squeaked in surprise at the sudden noise

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"Wow, unicorns huh?" Fred laughed. "I wouldn't laugh too soon" I said with an evil smile. "Wha-?" Lee asked as I passed all three of them parcels. "Early Christmas presents! Open them" I giggled. The boys opened them, confusion written all over their faces. Lee pulled out a donkey onesie, Fred had a cow onesie and George had a mouse onesie. "Ta da!" I said, before collapsing with laughter. "Oh ma gawd - let's go change!" George squealed, before running off. "Is he serious?" Lee asked dumbstruck. "Unfortunately he actually is" Fred replied amused.

"You guys look beautiful!" I laughed as they came in and gave me a twirl. "Wow Fred, that makes your figure look wonderful!" Harry jokingly called from the other side of the room. "Oh stahp Hazza, you flatter me" he replied. "Looking good Emily!" Ron shouted, getting a wink in reply from me. "What are you supposed to be Georgie?" Lee asked. "A mouse, duh" George replied sassily.

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