Black Parade

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Emily's POV:
I hummed to a song I couldn't quite place, walking idly down the halls looking for the twins or Lee.
"What are you humming?" Someone asked from behind me, making me screech in surprise.
"Ah I'm sorry!" She apologised. Stood before me was hannah, looking shy.
"Hannah" I greeted curtly, turning to leave. 
"No please! Look I'm sorry for kissing George okay? I can't help who I like. I know I wasn't the nicest to you last year but I'm really really sorry" she begged, almost in tears.
"Ironic, for a Hufflepuff I mean, being mean. Anyway I'm not the one you should apologise to. I'm Lee's best friend first, if he doesn't like you then neither do I" I stated shrugging, hiking my bag higher up onto my shoulders "I hope you sort things out". Hannah just stood there silently, watching me walk away.

I let out a growl of frustration, the tune coming back to haunt me. I slammed my head on the table in the great hall, causing 3 heads to turn towards me questioningly. Fred put his hand on my shoulder - which I still found incredibly awkward - and asked me what was wrong. I rolled my eyes "I have this song stuck in my head and none of you wizard bitches would know it" I answered back, screwing my face up in frustration.
"Hey! Who are you calling wizard bitches?" George asked, his hand covering his heart.
"You, duh" I replied shortly.
"Why don't you ask Hermione?" Fred suggested, pointing to my younger sister who was in a seemingly heated conversation with Ron.
"Nah, she doesn't listen to my type of music... Lee are you even listening?"
"Huh? Wha- yea. Wizard weekly... mhm" he stammered, going red in the face.
"What has you blushing today?" I asked, smirking once I saw the piece of parchment clutched in his hand. I subtly nodded my head to the paper, alerting the twins of our target. A few seconds later, I was holding the parchment triumphantly, high giving the twins.  "No!" He screamed "give it back!". With one swift jump he catapulted over the table, tackling me to the ground. I burst out laughing, passing the parchment to Fred. "Run! Don't let him get you!" I shouted as the twins jetted off.
"Get off me you fat lump" I cried, pushing Lee off my body. Without even a side glance he rushed after the twins. I let out a cough, dusting myself off to see the whole hall had gone silent, staring at me.
"Nothing to see here" I announced edging towards the door "...good afternoon nick, lovely weather isn't it...".
"Why no Ms Patil I didn't realise your sister had been asked on a da- WAIT WHAT"

Back in the common room, Lee was restrained by George as Fred leapt around with the parchment, obviously waiting for me to get back.
"Ready to read what this says?" He asked in a posh voice.
"Hell yes!" George said, muffling Lee's protests.
"Dear Lee, I would love to-"

"IVE GOT IT!" I screamed, completely cutting off Fred. "WHEN I WAS A YOUNG BOY, MY FATHER TOOK ME INTO THE CITY..."

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