Chapter 6

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'Steph, are you ready?' Madeline asks.

I look at myself in the mirror. Trying to hide my tears. Of course, I am not ready after I heard this terrible news. But I promised Madeline to go with her, and I don't want to ruin her day. So I decide to be a strong girl and go with her.

'Yeah' I say 'I think I am, I just don't know what to wear' I lie.

'It's really cute what you're wearing, I think your black crop top fits amazing with your high waisted blue jeans.' Madeline says with a smile.

I smile back at her. 'Thank you' is the only thing I can say.

'Come on, let's go' she says. She walks out of the door and I walk behind her and follow her. I close the door and think about what all will happen this night. Madeline told me that Harry, the Starbucks guy, also will be there. But at the moment I only can think about Jason, he hurt me so much. I sigh.

When we arrived at Madeline's car we both get in and she turns on the radio. I hear rap music, and I recognize Eminem's voice. I don't really like music like this, just because I am more a person who likes rock music, but also depressive music with a good meaning behind the song.

'Do you like music like this?' Madeline asks. It's like she can read my mind.

'Mwah, not really' I say, 'and you?'

'Same, I don't like it at all, but on parties which we are going to; you can expect a lot of music like this.' she says.

That didn't really suprise me. In high school parties where also like that. But I didn't really mind because I only can think of Jason, I never knew that it would be so hard to forget him. Our relationship was complicated but I still have big feelings for him, and I am almost sure it's because he was my first real boyfriend. I feel the tears coming in my eyes and at the moment I want to cry, eat and just sit on my bed with hunderds of pillows and just cry with Netflix on.

'Are you okay Steph?, are you sure you want to come to the party with me?' Madeline asks.

She probably noticed the little tears in my eyes. 'Yeah there's no turning back right now, I'm going' I decide and I feel Madeline's hand on my leg, she smiles at me and I realise that I have to be happy with a roommate like her.

'I want to set Jason out of my mind, he isn't worth it.' I say while I am not sure of what I am saying. I might sound really selfish or confident but I didn't care, I don't want to come over like a softy.

'That's so good of you Steph, just have fun this night, I will stay with you and I will not drink that much, I promise.' I smile at her and I am happy to hear that she reckon with me. 'We are here' Madeline says and she parks her car.

We stap out of the car and I noticed neon lights on the house and the loud rap music you hear. So this is a so called 'frat party'.  My first frat party ever.

'Of who is this house?' I ask Madeline. Still trying not to shake because of all what happend with Jason.

'It's of Josh and Skye , Josh is a good friend of mine, and I maybe have a little crush on him.' She giggles. I giggle along with her, and I follow her into the door of the house. 'OPEN' it says with neon lights. We step into the house and the music is filling my ears.

'Madeline!' a boy says who comes up to us and starts hugging Madeline and he gives her a little kiss on her cheek. When he is done hugging Madeline he looks me in the eyes. 'I'm Josh, a good friend of Madeline.' I'm Stephany' I say a little bit nervous. He gives me a hand and he looks weird at me. 'What's wrong?' he asks. I know why he asks that; my hands are shaking so hard and my eyes probably look a little bit red. 'Uhm... Should we get something to drink?' Madeline asks me. 'Yeah good plan Madeline' I say.

God thankyou Madeline. I was absolutely not able to explain what happend and what I heard about Jason today. I follow Madeline to the little bar and we both get a red cup, I fill mine with some Fanta, and Madeline with some Coca cola. The only two drinks without alcohol. It's only 9 p.m. and I know that it's going to be a long night, and I didn't want to start drinking alchohol so early.

We walk away from the bar and we push a big dark-red door open, we come into a room with lots and lots of people. How can there be so many people in this room?

'Look, do you see that boy over there?' She points at a boy with dark hair and a ripped t-shirt, the sleeves of the t-shirt aren't really that long and I saw a lot of tattoos on his arms. I nod, and she says 'he is the biggest party animal over here, his name is Skye and if I was you, I shouldn't trust him.' I nod and try to get Jason out of my mind. I just want to have fun tonight.

'Stephany, I really want to introduce you to some of my friends, can I?' Josh asks.

'Yeah of course' I say, still feeling a little bit uncomfortable.

'Follow me' Josh says. And I follow him, he walks into the direction where Madeline just pointed to, to tell me about Skye. And of course, he really had to go to Skye.
'Stephany, this is Skye. Skye this is Stephany.' Josh says.

'So hi beautiful girl named Stephany, how are you doing?' Skye asks while he winks at me.

'I'm fine', I lie 'and you?' I ask.

'I'm good, I'm sure this is going to be a wild night, Josh' parties are always the best parties.' He says while he puts his arm around Josh' shoulder.

'To continue' Josh says, 'this is Harry.' Harry stands up to give me a hand, and I look in his beautiful green eyes for the second time. My hand is still shaking and I'm sure he noticed it but thank God that he didn't say something about it.

'Hi I'm Harry, and I have the feeling we already met before, at Starbucks right?' Harry asks.

'I'm Stephany, but don't mind calling me Steph. And yeah that can be true' I say simply as if I don't know who Harry is.

I see that Madeline is kind of trying to hide her laugh. Of course I know that he works at Starbucks, of course I know that he is obsessed with cats, I even know the name of his mom. But at this moment, I don't want to talk to any boy, the only boy I can think of is Jason.

'Time for some action! Skye says, 'Madeline, Josh, and Stephany, are you joining me and Harry and some other friends of us?' 'We like to play some little games with drank, ya know?' I look at Madeline who gives me a 'don't worry' look.

'Yeah, we would really like to join you guys' Madeline says.

And then it all begins..

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