Chapter 17

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Stephany's P.O.V.

I woke up this morning very early. I had some classes and Alex and I already made some homework together. So now it's time to go to Harry. He wants to 'talk'. I really have no idea what I have to expect. We don't have a relationship, so maybe he wants to know where we stand? Or maybe he don't want to have anything to do with me anymore since he knows I got shot? Or maybe his friends don't like me? I began to think of all bad stuff that could happen and it may sound weird but I love Harry. I hope he knows that.

Harrys P.O.V.

I'm so nervous; she she will come to Starbucks after she was done with her classes and working on something like a project. I don't know. But she takes this school very serious and I don't. Last year I ruined everything in school. People thought I shot someone so I didn't really had a goal. I totally lost it. I got one nightstands and I was drunk, a lot, almost every night. I started to have my first tattoo and there became more. That's by the way something I don't regret. These tattoos reminds me of things, but when people ask what they mean I don't answer. People don't understand me. But it feels like Stephany does. And that's why I love sticking around with her. I know we're not in a relationship but I do love her and I hope she still realize that after what I'm going to tell her right now.

Stephanys P.O.V.

I open the door of the coffeeshop and I walk over to Harry behind the counter. "Can I help you beautiful?" He asks with a nervous smile.

"Ofcourse handsome. What do you recommend today?" I asks.

I notice that he is very nervous, but I don't know why and I don't know if I want to know. It makes me nervous too and I don't even know what's going on.

"I recommend we are going to drive a bit?" He says while he bites his lip.

"I get my car, you get a latte for me?"I ask smiling nervously.

"Sounds like a deal!" Harry says with a smirk.

I walk to my car which I parked right for Starbucks and Harry walks out with 2 lattes in his hands.

"Do you want to drive?" I ask when Harry opens the the door.

"Yes ofcourse." He says. We change our seats and Harry starts driving some way. I can drive, and I really like it but I don't know the ways here and I just drove here one time so for now I  am letting Harry drive.

"So what is this you want to talk about?" I ask. I hear Harry take a deep breath. I see on the way he sits behind the wheel that he isn't feeling comfortable.

"Yesterday you told me your story. And I was very confused and you will be that too when you hear mine. But promise that you listen and promise you try to stay calm." He says.

I really don't know what to expect. But it sounds bad. I don't like talking about this subject so I hope it hasn't to do something with my bestfriend Niki.

"One year ago I was in New York. And I went to a party. I drank a bit and when I was walking back to my hotel, I walked over a sidewalk and there was also a sidewalk on the opposite of the street." And on that evening I went to jail." He says while he is still concentrated on the road. He doesn't move but his face is getting more pale.

"Harry? What do you mean?" I ask scared. Why did he had to go to jail? This whole situation makes no sense. Is he trying to scare me?

"I am accused of killing your best friend and shooting you. I was on that place that night. But without a gun. I'm so sorry Steph, I wanted to tell you before but.. Believe me please, I didn't shot any of you, believe me." He says.

And now it makes sense to me. It all makes sense to me. Everything. That's why he was looking scared when I told him about my mom's work. That's why he was acting so off after I told him 'the story'.

"You was in prison for a whole month." I say. Harry nods.

"Harry, look my in the eyes." I say. He is driving, I know but I don't even care anymore. He looks over to my side. I thought I would look in his green eyes. The green eyes I fell for in Starbucks. But instead of green eyes, his eyes were dark. I see a tear fall down his cheek and he keeps driving while he looks at me.

"Harry, be honest" He nods. "Did you kill Niki? I ask. I feel tear streaming. And since a long time I feel so alone.

Harry doesn't reply and keeps looking in my eyes. I still look at two dark eyes and I see another tear rolling down his cheeck. I want to believe him so bad, but I can't. I just don't want to be here with him anymore.

''Harry fucking answer me!'' I almost am shouting to him right now.

He keeps looking at me and it feels like the time is frozing. He still focus on my eyes while he is driving. I know this is not safe but there is no time for thinking of safety right now.

I feel my heart beating really fast right now, Harry immendiately loose control of the wheel. And I feel the car moves all over to the right. I closed my eyes for what was coming and I grab Harrys hand and we bumped right into a bank of the way.

I didn't feel anything and I slowely open my eyes. And it's a miracle but I fon't have pain. I look over to my left to see Harry and he seems okay. I don't have pain but I feel so much tears streaming down my cheecks. And I feel my nose is bleeding.

''Harry!'' I shout as he walks out of the car. I do the same as he and I look at my new-car, luckily it isn't damaged. But I wouldn't care either, I want to know what's going on with Harry. Even though I am afraid of him right now and I don't want to be with him anymore.

''Harr-'' I started talking when he interrupts me.

''Stephany, I am so sorry I just totally lost it. I understand if you hate me now, I didn't shot Niki or you, please just believe me.'' He says while he wipes his tears. He looks so small and vulnerable at the moment, I have no idea where the 'dark-Harry' is right now. ''I am such an asshole, I almost just got you in a car accident, I am so sorry I don't deserve you.'' He is almost crying now and he hands me a tissue for my bleeding nose. I take it and I walk over to the car again.

I sigh and I open the car door again and I go sit behind the wheel. ''Harry, can you please go home by yourself?'' I ask him, ''I just want to have some space.'' I say. He nods understandable and he waves at me while I start the car.

I see the campus at the end of the street and after a couple of minutes I am standing before my dorm-room. I unlock the door and happily there is no one inside. I am totally not in the mood to talk to someone. I just want to call my dad and mom. I want to let them know what just happend. That I was currently 'dating' or 'going out' with the boy who is 'accused' for shooting me and my bestfriend. But how am I going to tell them? They're going to be so worried, especially my mom. I go sit on my bed and I suddenly begin to cry, all the emotions of tonight are coming out of me and I feel like a mess. I decide to take a shower and change, and then I would call 'home'.

I really want to tell them. They're the only people I have left over and if they now i'm hiding this they, especially my mom wouldn't be very happy. Maybe i'm her investigation in the way and or this can help her? I really don't know. But sooner or later I have to tell them, so I better do it today because then it's done.

After I came out of the shower I change myself into an over-sized sweater and some sweatpants. When I was in the shower, I thought of how I would tell my mom and dad. And now it's time to do it.

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