Chapter 11

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'I really enjoyed the food' I say with a smile.

'Yeah me to, I am going to ask for the bill.' Josh says.

'And I, am going to pa-' Madeline says but Josh interrupts her while he puts a finger on her mouth. They're so cute together, even though they aren't officially together.

'No way that, that is going to happen.' Josh says and winks at Madeline.

Before Madeline could even answer back, Josh already walks to the cash desk.

We walk out of the restaurant, and I stop walking when Harry pushes me closer.

'Can I take you back to your dorm?' He whispers in my ear.

'Yeah, of course, just let me say tell Madeline.' I say to Harry and he nods.

'Uh, Madeline, are you okay with the fact that I am coming later, Harry wants to take me back.' I say and I feel my cheeks blushing.

'Yes, no problem! I was about to go to a bar with Josh, so I guess we see each other tomorrow morning?' Madeline says and I nod.


It's just me and Stephany, we both sit on the grass as we look at the clear sky. We decided we could sit somewhere in a park since we both didn't want to go home yet. I look over to Stephany, and I look into the most beautiful light-brown eyes I've ever seen. We just sit here in silence, but it feels so peacefull to be here with her, I could stay here for hours and hours.

'I really enjoyed tonight, I couldn't stop looking at you during the whole diner.' I admit, not sure if I really should have say that.

'Aw Harry, you're such a cutie, I am glad I met someone like you.' She says while she leans into me.

'Same girl, same,' I say, 'you're different than the other girls I met here.' I want to let her know that she feels so special to me. She is not someone where I could have an one night stand with.

I put my hand into the air and I feel some raindrops falling on my hand. Shit, does the rain really has to ruin this moment with me and Steph?!

'Maybe we should go back to the car.' Stephany says while she stands up. I look at her, how can she still look so good with wet hair?

Its starts to rain harder and harder and I put my jacket off, and I hand it over to Stephany, but she doesn't move. She keeps looking into my eyes.

I look back into her eyes, and I keep concentrating on her eyes. We keep eye-contact for like five minutes, even though the hard rain, we keep starring into each other eyes' in silence.

Her eyes don't concentrate on my eyes anymore, but on my lips. I know what she is doing here and it makes me so happy inside.

'Can we have a real kiss right now, without someone forcing us to do it?' She asks and I nod with a big smile on my face.

Within a few seconds, our lips starting touching each others'. Our lips move perfectly against each other, and she opens her mouth a little bit which means 'your tongue is welcome'. I feel so happy inside, I never had this feeling with a girl before.

She puts her hands around my neck, while I put mine on her hips. Our kiss continues a couple of seconds more and then she pulls off.

'You're an amazing kisser.' I say with a smirk.

'You too Harry. Let's get really back into the car right now, before my mascara is going to be all over my face.' She giggles and I smile at her.


We are sitting next to each other in the car and Harry begins driving and the music of Harry's cd starts playing.

'I love this song.' I say while I turn up the volume. It's a song of Tom Odell called Magnetised. It's about loving someone who doesn't love you back. I really had that feeling with Jason sometimes so it really impressed me.

'Same.' Harry says, 'I have his whole CD, but I also have Red hot chili peppers' old cd's, do you like them?' He asks.

'Yeah, who doesn't? I especially like the old songs because with almost every song I have a memory from when I was younger.' I say with a smile while thinking about these times when I went to the MacDonalds with Mia and a Red hot chili peppers' song started playing in the car.

'Cool, I think we're kinda having the same music taste.' Harry says.

We talked about music and we shared our concert stories for a while, when I see the big college at the end of the street. It's time to go back to my dorm, after having a great day with the boy I met at Starbucks, where I am beginning to have feelings for.

'We're here.' I say and I look up to Harry. He looks at me with a sad face, and I want to tell him how bad I want to stay with him, but I don't want to come over too sticky.

'Thank you so much for the ride, Harry. Oh, and I know my dorm-room number right now, it's 211.' I say while I flip my hair.

'No worry Steph, I like taking you home,' he says, 'Oh, take this.' Harry says while handing me a little paper.

'Okay, bye bye Harry. See you soon.' I tell him and I give him a kiss on his cheek.

'Bye beautiful, already a goodnight.' He says and waves at me as he starts driving away in his car.

After 5 minutes of searching I found my dorm, realising my dorm-number is 210 and not 211. I unlocked the door, and nobody was in the room, I didn't expect something else because I know that Madeline is with Josh at the moment, and I think they're coming back very late.

I walk to my closet to get my pajama trousers and put them on. I love skinny jeans, but if I am home I prefer something comfy. I change my crop-top into a t-shirt and go sit on my bed. I open the little paper which Harry gave me and read:

For Steph ,

+511 87367289
Feel free to TEXT ME. :)

X H.

I look down and I smile at the little paper he gave me tonight and I decide to directly add his number to my contacts because what if I lose the paper? Something that would happen to me since I am so clumsy.

It's Steph, I just wanted to make sure I have the right number :) X.

I press the sending button and I hope he will text me back soon, since I am lonely here in the dorm-room. I decide to pick up my MacBook from the ground and watch some Netflix. Just when I want to open Netflix, I hear the sound of my phone. I put my phone on and I see that Harry sent me a text.

If you wanted to text a sexy curly haired boy, then you have the right number babe ;). Can't wait to see you again tomorrow at lunch.
X H.

I smile down at the text I just got, and I wonder how this boy could make me so happy. I never had this feeling before and I can't tell you how glad I am that I met him. I feel my eyes getting heavy, and with butterflies in my stomach I close my eyes and fall asleep.

Hey, I hope you guys like this book so far and uh, I used a random number on the little paper which Harry gave to Steph ahha (but I think ya guys already noticed that). ALSO:
I want to apologize if I make English-faults, or grammar-faults BC I am from Germany so, my English isn't 100% on point.
Enjoy reading this book, and don't forget to vote&comment ❤️

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