Chapter 7

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We played some games, I did played acohol games before but not so much, so i had some struggles but Madeline and her friends helped me out.

We sit in a circle with Madeline, Skye, Harry and Josh and a few more people but I didn't met them yet. They said their name to me but with all the alcohol I drank already in the last hours, I didn't know them anymore.

We already played 3 games and we are all getting a bit drunk, I actually think about it right now; I don't know how we get home because Madeline and I drink too much to ride. We aren't drunk not at all actually but we are tipsy.

"Let's play one more game' Josh says.

'We had enough alcohol Josh' Madeline says. Thankyou Madeline for saying that.

'I have one wihout alcohol" Josh says winking at Madeline.

"Alright which one?' Harry asks. I think Harry is the most sober of us, even though he drank as much as we did, he is the one who could deal with alcohol the best.

"I saved the best one so lets play it, it's truth or dare' Josh says.

Oh no I know this is not a good idea at all. I like truth or dare but I met these people a few hours ago, I don't even know them. I began to think of all the bad shit that could happen right now and you could probably see the worried look on my face.

'Are you okay with that?'Madeline asks.

'Yes, of course, why not?'I lie. I know I could tell her the truth, but I didn't know how she was going to react and there were people in the circle who might judge me. So I guess I don't really have a choise.

'Okay uh, Josh truth or dare?' Madeline began.

'Truth' he says.

'With how many girls you have slept with on campus?' Madeline asks.

Harry and Skye began to laugh. 'Uh..' he began. 'I've lost count.' They laugh hard but when I look at Madeline I see her laughing awkwardly. I gave her a small smile, and she smiled back.

'Okay, uh..' Josh begins 'Harry, truth or dare?' he asks.

'Truth' Harry says.

I see that Josh is in a deep reflection and I wonder what he is going to ask Harry.

'Harry, who is the last girl you slept with?' Josh asks with a grin.

A girl with long blonde hair, and big brown eyes starts to giggle a little bit.

'I think you guys all know that, it's Isa' he says and he smiles at the girl with long blonde hair, and the big brown eyes. So her name is Isa. She blushes a little bit and then Harry continues talking.

'My turn', he says 'Stephany, are you still a virgin?' Harry asks.

I feel my cheeks become red, of course I was still a virgin, Jason and I wanted to wait for marriage before doing this. And I knew, if I said I was a virgin, everyone would laugh at me. I guess I was the only virgin here in this big circle. Everyone looked at me with big eyes waiting for my response. I could lie to all of them, but why? I wasn't even ashamed about the fact that I was still a virgin, and I didn't want to lie to my 'maybe' new friends. So I decided to stay honest.

'Yeah I am' I say while I look at my shoes. I expect everyone to laugh, but it was silent. Maybe it wasn't really weird that a 20 year old girl was still a virgin.

When I look up, I see that Madeline is about to speak, 'Okay Steph, who's next?' she asks.

'You,' I say, 'Madeline, truth or dare?' I ask.

'Dare.' Madeline says.

I take a sip of my alcoholic drink and I feel my head beating a little bit and I realise that the alcohol is really getting into me right now.

'Madeline, I dare you to kiss Josh' I say, not sure of what I am saying.

Madeline looks at me with big eyes, and I could see the worry in her eyes, already regretting of what I just asked Madeline. She gets up and walks to Josh who is on the other side of the circle, Josh grins and also stands up.

Josh puts his hand on Madeline's back and they start kissing. Madeline puts her hands around Josh' neck and after 10 seconds, they finally stopped kissing. Everyone in the circle clapped, and Madeline even blushes more right now. She walks back to me, and she goes sit next to me again.

'Sorry' I whisper to Madeline. But she shakes her head.

'It's my turn' Madeline says, 'Stephany, truth or dare?' she smirks at me and I decide to choose dare.

'Okay simple, I dare you to kiss Harry.' She says and smirks at me again. What? I couldn't believe my ears. But then I realised that I just ask her the exact same thing with Josh.

I look over at Harry, and he stands up, walking towards me, I do the same and I look in his beautiful green eyes where I fell in love with on the first day that I met him in the Starbucks.

'You ready?' I ask while I give him a wink.

'I'm so fucking ready' he whispers in my ear.

And then it starts, I feel his soft lips on mine. I feel Isa's eyes burning in my back, but I feel safe with Harry around. I know that I can't do this if I was sober, so I was enjoying the fact that I had a lot of alcohol in my body, I know that I can't do this because I was still in a complicated relationship with Jason, but I didn't care anymore when I was with Harry. Harry's lips felt so soft and perfect on mine, so much better than Jason's lips. I want to put my hands in his neck, but then I heard a 'click!' and I pushed Harry off, I saw that Madeline was taking a picture of us with my phone.

'What are you doing?' I giggle at Madeline while I took my phone out of her hands.

'I sent it to Jason' she whispers in my ear. I look at her and I could see the smirk on her face.

'You what?!' I shout while I unlock my phone and go to my and Jason's conversation. She really did it, she really sent it to Jason. Of course, he cheated on me to, but this feels weird, he didn't sent the picture of him kissing with another girl to me. But I just did but then with a boy, nah, I didn't; Madeline did.

I feel the tears burning in my eyes, it feels like all the alcohol is gone out of my body. I feel like I have to throw up, I run to the badroom and I lock the door as fast as I can. After I feel that I am done with vomiting and stuff, I feel that I begin to cry, I sit on the ground, whiping away my mascara. Already regretting what I did tonight; the kiss, the picture. I wish I didn't went to this fucking party with Madeline. I wish I could go back to my friends in New York right now, even though they weren't that nice to me at all. It even upsets me more, that I know I don't have a ride back to home right now. There's no way I'm going back with Madeline, because of two things: 1. She is so fucking drunk, and I don't want her to ride me into a fucking ditch or something. 2. She just ruined my relationship Jason, which was already ruined but still. I have the right to be mad at her.

I feel so lonely at the moment. It feels like I can't trust anybody right now. I get up to look in the mirror and I look absolutely horrible, I open the tap, to put some water on my face but then I heard a knock on the door.

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