Chapter 27

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Harry's P.O.V.

I recognize the voice. It's the voice from the girl I fell in love with. The girl whose mom is Ellen. The girl who fills my mind the whole day. The girl who thinks I'm a criminal. Immediately my happiness changes into anger. It happens in a matter of seconds.

My guard leads me to a chair. I sit down and lay my handcuffed hands on the table for me, in the hope the guard understands the hint. But he doesn't, he walks to the corner and stand down watching me every move.

I look up from my hands and see Stephany sitting on the opposite of the table. She looks bad like she had a worse situation than me the past week. I look in her eyes and they look so helpless. "Why are you here?" I ask her. I try to sound cool but this feel so wrong and so right at the same time. I can't handle these feelings they're flying trough my body. And they won't land. I don't know what to do.

I try not to like her, she doesn't fit in my life. She can't be with me so I can better stay away from this. But that's going to be so hard.

"I came to uhm, to help you?" She says with a nervous voice. She ticks her fingers on the table. "Listen, I'm sorry and I understand if you can't forgive me and you may hate me but I'm here to help" She says. She looks me straight in the eyes.

Stephany's P.O.V.

He looks me in the eyes. His beautiful green eyes, they look so broken. "What do you have on your head?" He try to point at a spot on my forehead.

"Uhm.." what shall I say?

"Please be honest Stephany." Harry says.

"Well your friend Eric, uh.. abducted me" I say. "But it's no big deal I'm here. And I'm going to get you out" I know your innocent and I need your help to find the murder of Nicki."

"Wait what? Stop. Eric? My Eric?" Harry asks with a confused look in his eyes.

"Yes, but please at this moment we have to worry about other things" I say. I try to be strong, he is victim of my miserable life and I don't want that." I sigh, "Harry, I'm going to get you out of this" I whisper.

"And then? If I ever get out of this place what do we do?" He asks.

"I don't know, have a look what the future will bring us." I say. If he ever gets out. If. Because it's my mom in danger or Harry in prison. I try to hold back my tears. Fight trough them. I keep repeating to myself; don't make it more than it is, don't appoint, don't act like you're the victim, because I'm not.

I'm never the victim, I'm not in prison like Harry, I'm not getting stalked by Jason like my mother, I don't have to run away for my dad like Nora. People in these situations have nothing on me if I cry all day. So I better just try to support everyone and don't fall apart. I be there to hold people.

It's silent for a couple of minutes as Harry speaks up, ''Can you guys leave us alone for a couple of minutes?'' He asks. I nod at my mother and she tells everyone in the room to go with her.

''Steph, I've been thinking about you the whole time here, but really, the whole time. There didn't past a second without thinking of you. But... I... It's so hard to forgive you, even though I really want, I really want to do it all over again, do it all over again with you.'' Harry says and I nod understandable, not knowing what to say. ''And all that time, when I was alone in my cell, what was a long time, a really long time. I've been thinking not only about you, but also about our situation, and with our situation I mean; our relationship, if I can call it like that. And I think... I think I came to a conclusion, you're the person I was searching for my whole life, the person who makes me smile, the one who can bright up my day with just one word. The one I want a future with.'' He says and he looks me in the eyes, I feel a smile escaping my lips and also see a smile coming up his lips, not only his lips are smiling, also his eyes. His forest green eyes I fell in love with, and where I am still really in love with.

''It's so nice to hear that Harry. And I can tell you, I also thought about you the whole time, the freaking whole time. Everything I see reminds me of you, because it feels like I have a memory with you with every little thing.'' I say as he puts his hand on mine. ''Now, let's get you out of here, and there are a couple of things you need to know. Of course my mother knows you're not guilty.. But she's getting bad threats of Jason if she doesn't keep you here. Long story short; we need to make sure Jason is in prison before he can do anything to me, mom or you. Okay?''

''What.. Jason does what?'' Harry says, ''I can't believe he is behind this all, but it will be okay, yes. We're so much, so much smarter than he is.'' He adds and I nod, because what he said is true, we're way much smarter.

''But let's enjoy this moment when we're still together.'' Harry says as he stands up and walks into my direction. I feel so happy inside with the thought that I am finally able to send love to him again, after such a long, long time. He stands in front of me, and even though he is in prison now for almost 10 days, he still smells good like he did before. How is that even possible?

''Where are you thinking about?'' Harry asks as he smiles, and puts a hand through my hair.

''That you're still smelling so good, so so good.'' I tell him, with no shame.

He laughs and says ''Come here.'' As he puts his other hand in my neck and pulls me in for a kiss. I feel his soft lips on mine again and then I realized how much I actually missed moments like these. As I pull back, I whisper ''I've missed you so much Harry'' and he kisses my cheek another time.

Nora's P.O.V.

''Don't be nervous baby.'' My mother says as she gives me my pink backpack. ''I'm sure you will make friends at school, and everything is going to be okay.'' She says and gives me a little kiss. Me and my mom went to my old school here in the neighbourhood these past days, and we arranged that I will start school again today.

And today, it is the day. Today, is my first day of school again since Eric kept me in his house 24/7. It's been almost two years since I haven't been in contact with girls or boys of my age. It was just always me and Eric these two years, terrible two years. But I believe in new starts, and I will make the best of it.

''It's time to go.'' I tell my mom and she nods, if I go now, it's ten minutes walking to the bus-stop and then I will still be on time, because the last thing I want is to come too late on my first day of school.

''Have fun, there's nothing to worry about, see you at four again! I love you darling.'' My mom says.

''I love you too mom'' I say and with that, I close the door behind me and start walking in the direction of the bus-stop. I know the way out of my head, because I walked the way with my mother yesterday, just to make sure I won't get lost.

On a given moment, I walk through an alley , which is kinda creepy because it's always dark in here and I hear cats from all over the place. And believe it or not, I am afraid of cats. I decide to not think about the scary things here. Just as I wanted to set the creepy thoughts out of my mind. I feel that I am not alone, I feel like someone is walking behind me, I don't want to turn around but my curiosity predominates. I turn around and see nobody, even though I am sure I heard a sound behind me. I decide to walk further but then, the sound is only getting harder, and it makes me feel more like someone is walking behind me.

And on a sudden moment the sound makes me stop...

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