Chapter 8

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I ignore the knocking and started fixing my head. I'm looking like a mess, actually I am. I'm so happy that I choose waterproofmascara. I fix my head and then I just would open the door, walk outside and just get a taxi I think. If I do this fast, nobody could see me or hear me, plus I was still on a party so I don't think I will stand out. I unlocked the door and I try to walk as fast as I can. I see the door and open it. I close it behind me and just walk out of the house. I walk to a bigger street and catch a taxi.

"Stephany" I hear a voice call my name. "Steph" I hear it again but I didn't recognize the voice at first so I start walking faster. I'm scared and I just want to go home and lay in my bed.

"Stephany wait" the raspy voice said again. At that moment I realized it was Harry. Great! now he probably thought I was crazy and that I hate him because I ignore him.

"Why do you walk so fast" a little breathless voice asks. Harry. I ignored him. I want to say something but what do I have to say? That I have a crush on him but that I have a boyfriend that maybe cheated on me so Madeline let me use him? If I ever want to have a chance by him (I actually think I ruined my chance already today) than I don't want him to think weird stupid things of me.

"You want my jacket?" in my thoughts I totally forgot he was still there and that I was freezing. He lays his jacket over my shoulders before I could even response.I have to admit that it smells so good.

"So you're going to walk to your dorm?" He asks.

I shake my head. "I'm getting a taxi but I'm walking to a bigger street since there aren't taxi's over here"I say. I had tears in my eyes and I don't want Harry see it. I was happy it was very late and I could hid behind my hair.

"I'll drive you home" he says.

I shake my head again. "You drank to much to drive, plus how do I know you're not a killer or something "I said. He laughs about that. But I was actually a little serious I mean I don't know him really well.

"How do you know a taxi driver isn't a killer?" he says. I don't know what I have to say since he has a point. "It's almost 2 a.m I won't let you go with a taxi in the A.M" he says.

"Why not?, like why would you even care?" I ask.

"I'll drive you, I can have a bit alcohol" he says. I have to admit that, because he seems sober and he won't let me get a taxi for sure.

'Alright, but you know that you don't have to do this, right?' I finally say.

Harry got his car and he opens the door for me.

'Thanks' I say. I could hear in my own voice that I'm an emotional wreck. Harry got in the car. And we sit in silence.

''So what's your dorm number?'' He asks while we are getting closer to the campus.

'Oh my gosh, I really have no idea'' I say. I feel myself getting red and I laugh about the situation. But I realize Harry probably thinks I'm freaking drunk.

'It's not because I'm drunk. I'm new here and I just didn't even know the dorms have numbers'' I say a bit embarresed . ''It's close to starbucks so you can drop me off there'' I say.

'Okay'' Harry says a bit awkward but I spot a little smile on his face. Probably because of the dormnumbers.

''So Stephany where are you from?'' Harry asks.

'I'm from New York" I say.

He looks up and I can almost see the question mark coming up above his face. "What brings you here? I mean across the country away from friends and family" He asks.

I sigh. "I'm done with New York, and New York with me. I choose a college as far as i could, and here I am and..." I was interupted by Harry

"How can you be done with New York?" He asks. I have to say I wasn't ready fot this question because I love New York and I had nice times there but they didn't last long.

"I don't want to be related to things which around me in New York, in New York I'm just 'that the girl from that' or 'the girl that did that' I say.

"And the other people, friends?" Harry asks.

"I've lost them" I say and I feel the tears burning in my eyes and thought of Jason.

"I'm sorry" Harry says.

"It's okay, I have my father and little sister and they are the nicest people in the world and I can trust them and that's important" I feel my face lit up by thinking of them because they're the world to me.

"That's sweet" harry says. "Can I ask you one more thing?" He ask.

"Yeah, I think you can" I say, it's nice to share something with someone who wants to listen.

"Who is Jason?" He asks.

"At this moment, I really have no idea who he is in my life, I think I have to call him my ex-boyfriend. Such an asshole.' I say, again not sure of what I am saying, I'm being such a different person with Harry around, I feel more safe.

"I'm always here for you to talk Steph, if you need someone to listen" He says.

"Thanks Harry, see you around at Starbucks probably" I laughed. "You're going so see me a lot there actually. The wifi in my dorm is not strong enough for my laptop, but it will be fixed in 2 weeks." I say.

"I see you there I hope" he says, 'I work 5 days a week, just not in the weekends, mostly in the evening.' He says while he gives me a wink. I feel my cheeks getting red.

"Thanks for driving me" I say.

"Always" He says.

"See you Harry" I say.

"Later Steph" He finally says. and by that I close the door.

After a few minutes walking around the campus, I found my dorm, I put out my phone of my pocket and I open my flashlight which is a standard app on my iPhone. I shine the light around the door and I found my number of my dorm. 210. Never forget.

I open the door of my dorm, and I am happy that I'm alone in my room, I just want to be alone tonight, and I absolutely don't want to see Madeline, even though her intention wasn't bad. I change into my pajamas and open my Netflix just to watch another episode of the serie I'm currently following, just when I wanted to log in on my Netflix account I heard the ringtone of my phone. I pick up my phone and I saw the 4 words which made me scared.

'Jason :)' is calling you...

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