Daddies Little Dalek (DW)

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I sighed, sitting down as the autopilot took care of the rest.

I surveyed the comet-filled landscape that I cruised through right now, smiling as I sipped my drink.

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

I almost choked, setting my drink down and getting up to check where the noise was coming from.

I walked down the dim grey hallway, walking into the storage room, flipping the light switch, I looked around for any sort of disturbance among my precious cargo, I smoothed my fingers through the purplish dust, a small cloud puffing into the air, and I smiled, knowing the riches that would follow.

I presumed searching around the cargo room, nothing, everything else around the ship undisturbed.

I shrugged, walking back to the control room, I quickly froze in place.

In the middle of the ground laid a small bundle, wrapped in a purple blanket.

I was instantly mesmerized.

I slowly approached the bundle, getting the best view of the bundle I could get.

I was mystified when I saw a small face, peeking out of the blanket.

It was Human.

A greedy grin spread across my face, Humans were sold for fortunes on Heatenwraught.

And that was where I was heading.

I slowly picked up the bundle, looking at the human for anything that might help me decided how much I should sell it for.

I set the baby on the chair next to mine, picking up and reading the paper that was held firm within its hands.

After a bit of tug of war, I got it, opening the paper and reading it.

It read...

“Name: The Puppet Master

Race: Time Lord”

I set the paper down, knowing I was rich.

There was supposedly only one more time lord in existence, making this child more valuable than most of the entire galaxy itself.

I grinned, looking at the child, picking it up as I prepared for landing.


*Story time, Pay ATTENTION! This is very important!!!*

Once upon a galaxy there was a man, a bitter and cruel man, his name was Davros.

He hated everyone around him; he wanted to be the most powerful being in all of the cosmos, and to be able to build an unstoppable army.

One day he came upon a person who had said he could make him the most feared thing in the entire universe.

Davros, wanting that with everything agreed to the man’s conditions.

The man would make him all powerful, and in return Davros would lose all of his emotions.

After agreeing, the man gave Davros what he desired, Davros becoming the most now feared thing in the universe, a Dalek.

With his new power, he created the Dalek race to make him the most powerful thing in the universe.

With every planet he and the Daleks destroyed, he became more feared and more powerful.

He was almost emotionless until he couldn’t control himself, destroying his home planet and his family, killing them.

After the slaughter, he cried his pain and sadness seemingly distant to him.

It had been his entire fault.

Or was it?

No, it wasn’t!

It was the man who granted his wish.

Davros became overpowered by his bitterness and anger, slaughtering planets faster until he came to the planet he had met the man on, Heatenwraught.

Despite the fact that he showed no emotion, he constantly cried, missing his old life immensely.

He missed his wife, but most importantly, his child.

His wife had just given birth to a new daughter; he had killed her when he killed everyone in his family, the newborn perishing among them.

This just fanned his anger, fueling the flames that licked his heart, it slowly burning to ashes and dust.

Upon arriving at Heatenwraught, he tried to keep to himself, looking at the entire stall for anything he might want.

He saw a man in a torn robe, holding a little child that looked just like the newborn.

He couldn’t help himself; he quickly bought the newborn, taking her to raise her like his own daughter.

He paid the man, quickly taking the child when he looked up to see the man that had just sold the child to him was the same man who granted his wish.

A wave of anger swept over him, he quickly calling in every Dalek he could muster, the Daleks destroying the planet, along with the man.

But. Out of his angry fury, he still managed to keep the child, taking her with him.

He was going to raise the perfect little Dalek.

She was going to be Daddies Little Dalek...

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