Candy Land

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I opened my eyes, the landscape around me unreal.

I sigh, shaking my head, knowing why the Doctor took us here.

The landscape around me was filled with sandy dune of gram crackers, a river of chocolate milk, cookies embedded into the  various landscapes.

My shoes scuffled against the dry landscape, a cloud of gram cracker dust puffing into the air.

Coughing as I blow the puff out of my face I look around, I see so many things I want to look at.

"So much for World War III," the Doctor muttered, dusting off his shoulders.

I send a quick glare in his direction, I just walk away as I look around for anything interesting.

What can I say?

I'm the Curious type, problem?

I peer back at the group as I walk, seeing them eye me suspiciously and converse.

"Doctor... I still don't trust her..." Amy Muttered, casting an un trusting glare to me.

"It's fine, Pond, I don't know how she managed to get rid of the data, but I think I have an idea." he said, rubbing his hands together, sending a shiver up my spine.

I just kept on walking, turning around as I make an announcement.

"Welcome to Xilphux, a wonderful candy planet. Home to the Xil species, it used to be a sparse paradise," I say, dancing around as I smiled.

...Until I stepped into a pudding pocket.

"Shit," I curse under my breath as I heave my shoe out.

I look over to see Amy, Rory, the Doctor, and River laughing at me as I try to walk with a goop of pudding inside my shoes, a weird squelching noise sounding every time I took a step.

"Shut up," I snap, my head hung down in pain.

I dip my shoe in the milk river as I wash off the remainder of the pudding.

After wringing out as much milk as possible I settle back into my shoe.

"So, what are we going to do, Doc?" I ask, leaning on a colorful tree, its candy cane swirls forming decadent branches.

"Well, what we always do. Explore," he says, a smile on is face.

Grunting, I get up and follow them.

The next few minutes were filled with the Doctor lecturing us about the landscape and its history.

Even River seemed bored.

"You know what might be fun?" I ask, piping up as everyone's attention turns to me.

"And what is more fun then history?" the Doctor asked, somewhat hurt by my question.

"Doctor, you lecturing everyone about a war between gingerbread men is not fun. And besides, I know an awesome place to visit," I saw, smiling as I walk over to where the Doctor is standing.

"Alright, now where is this place exactly?" he asks, I see Amy and Rory murmuring to each other.

"You know what, never mind. You guys can go find out how to play Candy Land with weapons, but if you actually want some fun, you can follow me. But if you'd rather stay safe with the Doctor, that's fine with me," I say, walking away as I look at a familiar landmark.

A map of the planet quickly pops up, I quickly smile to see that we were just a little bit of a walk away.

I smile, looking behind me, I frown as I see no one following me.

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